
One Small Step For Man...One Quantum Leap For Mankind

Dr. Sam Beckett Leaps and finds himself standing togaclad, lightning bolt in hand. But this is not Ancient Rome. It is a small town in upstate New York, January 21, 1983. Sam has Leaped into twelve-year-old Sean O'Connor in a school competition. But this is no ordinary school. And Sean is no ordinary boy.

Sean O'Connor is participating in a gifted student's competition called Olympics of the Mind which is about to be cancelled by the State. It is a loss that will have drastic implications for all the young students involved.

The situation is grim. Sean is the child of a divorced alcoholic mother. The other students also come from very unstable family backgrounds. Their very futures are at risk. What can Sam do? Who will listen to a twelve-year-old boy? Can the program be saved? Time is slowly running out...



My Two Cents...

Truth be told, I don't really remember this book. I do remember that there's a nice twist at the end of it, but not enough to make an opinion about it that will be fair to this book.

But hey, I don't remember it as a bad book - so that's something


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