
Leaping All Your Troubles Behind?

A woman named Stephanie Keller has come to Albuquerque, demanding to see Dr. Samuel Beckett, immediately. Who is she? A fortune-hunting opportunist? A sensation-seeking journalist? Or, as she claims, Sam's wife...

Sam Beckett, the one person who might be able to answer these questions, isn't available, of course. He's fifteen years in the past, enjoying a Leap that seems almost like a vacation, as a winter caretaker in a summer resort, with very little to do, and only a large, friendly dog for company.

What he doesn't know, what he can't be told, is that Stephanie Keller is about to turn his life and his work into a tabloid headline. Whether she is a glitch in time, or a scam artist, she has become a threat to the very existence of Project Quantum Leap. And if she can't be stopped, Sam's vacation Leap may be his last...



My Two Cents...

Truth be told, I don't really remember this book. I do remember one or two scenes, but not enough to make an opinion about it that will be fair to this book.

I do know that this book didn't leave a good impression on me, but once again, I don't want to judge it for other people when I can't really remember it.


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