
A Lethal Leap

It's 1976, and Sam Leaps out of a woman named Ann-Marie Renerie. But Ann-Marie is not pleased with her changed life. She's left with a plea-bargained jail sentence she doesn't remember agreeing to, and a hazy memory of the name of the man she thinks is responsible for her imprisonment.

1988: Ann-Marie's sentence is over, and now she is dedicated to the single, obsessive purpose that got her through twelve years in prison. Death to Dr. Sam Beckett!!

Meanwhile, Sam, on his messiest mission yet - as a female mud wrestler - must work on his own. He can't be told that Al and the rest of the project are frantically struggling to stop a madwoman before she stops Sam Beckett - forever!



My Two Cents...

When I think back to this book the only thing that comes to my mind is - God, how I hate Ann-Marie.

I don't really remember much from this book, except for the fact that the leap that Sam was involved in was, let's say, a bit b-o-r-i-n-g.

And of course - I hate Ann-Marie.

All in all - not a very recommended book.


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