The Betts Family

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Roman has mastered how to say "bye bye" and "hi". This is a sequence of pictures showing just how it is done. He waves at everyone in the store and at church. He likes to say hi to other kids and babies the most, but when you WANT him to say bye... he clams up. Here is a picture of his new helmet that is supposed to help his head round out. He should be in it for 2-3 more months. He doesn't seem to mind it much, which is good. Roman has also learned to "crawl". Ok, it's not really crawing, it's more like a military crawl on his elbows and tummy but he gets around. Below are some pictures of Roman using his new getting around skills to get into some trouble. Guess it's finally time to baby proof the house. 04/03/05



Shane had a double hernia surgery at the end of January. The sugery went well. The recovery seems slow, but all things considered, he is doing well. We are hoping everything will heal correctly and he will be back to normal soon. LeAnn has been working on finishing the sewing room since about November (during Roman's naps etc.) This week the final coats of paint will go on the walls. After that, the trim and molding will be put on and a celing put in, and then it will be done. Yeah! We'll try to get some pictures of that project in soon. 02/01/05


Our little boy is changing so much! He now sits up, has two little teeth, claps his hands, SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT! (most of the time), rolls around like a little steam roller, and whistles(yes, he really did whistle several times in two days, but he hasn't done it since then). Here is a picture of Roman showing off two of the before mentioned skills. Sometimes he trys to roll while clapping, although I don't think he does either very well when he tries. The "What to Expect the First Year" book says that Roman should be able to feed himself a cracker. He has never done it, but he loves to feed mommy and daddy crackers. Does that count? 1/19/05


We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for all you do for us and we hope that 2005 will be good to you.

Roman got a tooth for Christmas. It's just tiny now, and you can feel it more than see it, but it's there. He is quite the noise maker and he always wants to see what is over the edge of everything. If you are sitting on the couch he wants to look over the edge, if he is in his swing he leans over and looks at the floor to see all the toys he has dropped. It is pretty cute! But the days of just holding our little boy while he sits patiently are over.

Roman also received his third haircut this month. He has so much hair, and it does such crazy things. This time, however, didn't go as smoothly as the others. He was deathly afraid of the clippers whereas the other times he thought they were pretty fun to try to grab. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to cut his hair just before bedtime.


Not much going on in our family but the same old stuff. Roman gets cuter every day and I just had to post some of his latest pictures. He loves to make all sorts of noises ie, raspberries, fake coughs, giggles, screams etc. But he isn't much of a performer. As soon as there is a crowd, he becomes Mr. quiet. He is over 20 lb. (we will know his exact weight in two weeks). I can't believe that he is almost 6 months old. They grow up too fast!


We went to Ohio in early October and visited with all the Betts family. We rode the 4-Wheeler, roasted hotdogs and made s'mores, visited Kirtland, and had lots of fun playing with grandparents. Roman did really well on the airplane and he liked to look out the window when we were on the ground. He is such a good kid and is so laid back. It sure makes it easy to be his parents. There are more pictures from our trip in the pictures section


Roman got his first haircut at three and a half months. His hair was almost 4 inches in some places. It was so cute and fun to play with, but it was a little out of control. He was a good sport and didn't cry, but he wanted to look at the clippers the whole time, which makes it hard to get the back. Here are some before, durring, and after pictures.

Greta and Tony (Greta is Shane's sister) came to visit us and we had so much fun! Lots of Nintendo, Food, a big drive up in the mountains and more Nintendo. All of the Betts grandkids were together! Aren't they cute? Corinne had fun popping the bubbles that Roman would make with his mouth and she gave him lots of kisses (Who wouldn't want to?). We can't wait to go back to Ohio early October and we get to play again!

Roman Alexander joined our family June 1, 2004! 7lb 13oz & 21 inches. He is so cute and we absolutely love him. Right now he is smiling, making all sorts of noises, reaching for toys or anything else that looks interesting, and every once in a while he stops and admires his hands. He can't reach his toes (he is not flexible at all) so he touches his knees. He has just barely started to show signs of rolling over, but he hates being on his stomach, so I don't think he really cares about how to get there.

We've been living in Springville since January 2003 in a home that LeAnn's Family built while she was in Highschool. We have been working on the yard and garden and always have some sort of project on the list. Right now, we are working on fixing up the side yard where the garden is so that it looks nicer. Last fall we planted some trees and bushes in the front yard, and we are constantly trying to get our grass to grow! We would also like to get some trees in the back for some shade.

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