...monday, july fifth, two thousand four...

    I know it's been awhile. For that, I apologize. 
     This summer is crazy.  It's incredibly busy and rushed.  Two months have gone by already.  I can hardly believe it.  I've worked and studied my summer away.  School is over in a couple weeks.  Hopefully then, it will be time to relax.  Time to do some summery goodness.
      Nonetheless, I am happy.  *smiles*  Days off seem to last forever... until the next day of course when it seems like they hardly existed.  I can't wait to visit my home.  I miss my wee family so much.
      Anyway, sorry so short... love you all!  *kiss kiss*
...thursday, july eighth, two thousand four...

So, here I sit... listening to country music... the epitome of summer.   Country music is sing-a-long road trips with Ang... the drive in... buck and does and various other summer bashes... drinking outside... Country music is bare feet and flip flops. 

I was talking to Ang last night... hence the reminiscent summery memories.  This summer simply doesn't seem like summer.  I'm so far away from the family... so far away from my Ang and Paula and Rhonda.  My days are consumed by work, and class... and it's no fun.  My release lies in the weekends that I get away.  This weekend it's the pig roast... which I'm so excited about.  After tonight's class, it will officially be my weekend. 

To do:  (a Rob-like list??)
    Take deceased fishy back to PetSmart for refund.
    Go into work to get hours for next week.
    Finish essay.

I have to clean up this house as well.  Things were so clean after my marathon cleaning spree last week... now things are just left everywhere... I just have to tidy up a bit... and then have a bath... do some more work, go to the library and grab some more books, go to class... then Jordy's comin' up... and we're (hopefully) going to do something fun and summery tomorrow.  And then pig roast Saturday... and recovery on Sunday... then another long week of work and class... I'll be so glad when this class is over.  So glad to have August class-free before the mad rush September brings...

But yes... here I go.  I'm off.  I hope it stops raining...
...sunday, july twenty-five, two thousand four...

Ah, the most fantastic birthday ever.  I know that I should write something as it has been forever.  (So long that even Rob has been posting more than I!)  But also, I have an exam on Tuesday... and I should be studying.  What a predicament.  This weekend was marvelous.  I love barbeque for every meal, drinking as soon as you wake up in the morning, post-bar barbeque, friends who bring cake, mullets... *sigh*  So much fun crammed into four days.  So, as a compromise, I will post a few random pictures from the joyous occasion, taken with my brand-spankin' new digital camera (thanks sweetheart).
Drunk times two.  After six pictures, Jordy had to fight to keep his eyes open this much.  In the middle of the afternoon.  For shame!
Steph and Swance.  Swance makes a mighty delicious peanut butter hamburger.
On Saturday we went to the costume store, so the boys could look for costumes for AJ's Buck and Doe... while Cheyne makes a darn good Riddler, Darrell decided he's not cut out to be the Flash.
Matt and Steph show that sitting on the porch for three days straight listening to nothing but sweet classic rock... you begin to resemble trailer trash so much more, especially since the over-exposure every night at the concert.  It's surprising how many real mullets get fooled by fake ones.  And how many people thought Matt, Godby and Rod Stewart... er, Darrell... were in a band.
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