Youth Ministry is a lot of fun, and I know being a part of a
youth group is an experience that any of us cherish throughout
our lives.  Sure, we like trips to Six Flags, Lock Ins,
5th Quarters and ... well, just hangin' out, but there is just
something about a fellowship of teens who are in love with their
Lord that makes some difficult years in life just a little less difficult.
       Unfortunately, however, there are many who fall in love with a
youth group - or even fall in love with church, but are left so lonely
once they graduate from high school.  Many churches right now
are losing close to 50% of their youth upon graduation!
Our desire is to have a ministry that goes beyond Summer day
care and keeping kids off the streets. 

       Our aim is to present a gospel that fleshes itself out in the lives of teens and instills in them a hunger
       for God that will carry them through the wilderness journeys that lie ahead. 

       Our aim is to foster a deeper understanding of God's amazing grace. 
       (O.k., maybe an "understanding" is an unrealistic goal ... how 'bout a faithful acceptance of that grace?")

       Our aim is root more than fruit.

       Our aim is ... well, our aim is holiness. 

       Our aim is absolute perfection in Christ.  As He is, that's how we want to be in this world. 
Teens On the Rock of Christ's Holiness has been developed to establish the lives of our youth on  the solid foundation of Christ and the holy, abundant life that He offers us.  We believe strongly that Christ nailed our sin to the cross and took it to the grave.  Through the blood of the lamb we are holy in this world, and on the bedrock of this faith, we are building lives that are solid, wholy dedicated to Him.  This is the center of all that we do.  Though our youth group is diverse, we are closely connected as a family through our common faith.

       We have been fortunate to have a strong team of parents and young adults who have dedicated themselves to our youth and to being an integral part of the many activities that we engage ourselves in.  We want to challenge you to involve your kids ... to involve yourself in a strong Christian family that is unashamed to set Christ up as the chief cornerstone. 

       There is an older youth song that reflects the heart of our mission:
"It only takes a spark to get a fire going ... and soon all those around will warm up to it's glowing."
Our task is not to change the world, but to change our world.  Still, we bear in mind the increase that might come from just one life that has been set on fire with a fervent faith in Christ.

       May I ask a favor?  Pray for our ministry, and pray for so many in the world that are still without the radiant joy that results from an intimate walk with our Savior.  Pray for God to reveal how He might use you, or use your children to take this message to each corner of the earth with great urgency.                                    
Our Aim...
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