While he was passing through a
                  region of Galilee, two blind men
                  followed after this Rabbi crying
                 out, �Have mercy on us Son of
                  David!�  As the account is recorded in Matthew 9 it would appear that, though blind, these men are actually attempting to follow or even catch up with the one who they knew could heal them. Stumbling over others, falling frequently, slamming into poles,tripping on the curbs, groping about with arms outstretched
crying, even screaming out ... �MY GOD OPEN MYEYES!�  Often in my personal pursuit of a relationship with God I felt blinded by what the world has made of the Christian
religion.  It was difficult for me to associate the depth of the God I knew from His word with the oily speakers I had so often

encountered.  Must I have either a dull
course in proof texting or a night at the Improv?  Must I choose between a passionless presentation and a breathy performance?  Must I decide between a diet of rice cakes or gummi bears?  Does the Spirit have to be either locked up in a book or invocated for a show?  Is God�s church really something that can be looked up in a phone book?  Is there something a bit deeper than all of this?  I knew religion, but in my heart I searched for the God of that religion.  I wanted to walk with God like Enoch walked with God!  I wanted to have the kind of relationship with God that I read about in the Psalms of David � 

�O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods ��

Psalm 63:1-5

God hears the cry of desperation and he recognizes the touch.  As David�s cries became my cries the God of compassion welcomed me and touched my eyes.  He revealed to me that such relationship with Him is not only possible but is expected of us all.  It is this relationship that is key in representing a gospel that is genuine.  A walk with God should bleed through into our every relationship and every aspect of our life.  It is one of my greatest goals to emphasize this relationship with God in our ministry to the youth of our community.

I was blessed to be a part of a church planting campaign in Russia just out of high school.  My love for mission led me to studies in the AIM program in Lubbock, Texas where I met my wife Melinda.  I have been so blessed to be married to a woman with such a love for her Lord and compassion for people!  Melinda spent almost two years working with the church in Glasgow, Scotland while I served on a similar campaign to Quito, Ecuador.  Upon returning she attended classes at LCU while I studied at the Sunset International Bible Institute.  Melinda and I were married on October 4th, 1997.  Shortly thereafter we began work with the Leander congregation in which we are currently in our 8th year of ministry.

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