Introducing: Samuel-Stephen Ramirez Jr.
Mother: Leslie-Anne Ramirez
Father: Samuel Ramirez
Born on: February 21, 2004 3:43 pm
Born at: Virginia Baptist Hospital
Weight: 6lbs 8oz
Height: 20 inches
Eye color: Dark Blue
Hair color: Dark Brown
Labor began on Thursday evening around 6:00pm after my OB visit. At the visit the OB said that labor should begin soon because the baby's heartrate had lowered, but it was still in the normal range. At first I thought that I was just having more Braxton-Hicks Contractions since I had previously had two false alarms. However, by Friday night the contractions had gotten more painful and closer together, but due to the previous false labors I had promised myself I wasn't going to the hospital until my water broke. Saturday morning Samuel went to work at 9:30am, and at 11am when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom my water broke. Samuel wasn't able to leave the resturant until 1:00pm when the other manager came in so my mother brought me to the hospital. We arrived around 12:30, shortly after my father and Samuel came in. When I first came in the hospital I was dilated to a 3 by 1:30 I was dilated to a 6. However, the baby's heartrate keep dropping, he was going into fetal distress. The OB attending decided not to take any chances and to do an emregency c-section. Samuel was brought to a different room to change while they preped me for surgery. During the few minutes we were apart they tried to start an epidural so I could remain awake, however, the epidural would not take the OB said they couldn't wait any longer so they put me under. Unfortunately, they didn't tell Samuel this until after the baby was born at 3:43pm. Samuel was the first to see and hold the baby after his delivery. However, walking to the nursery Samuel became so nervous he started to shake and had to hand the baby to my mom to carry to the nursery. Several hours later I woke up and was able to see my precious bundle of joy for the first time. After we bonded for a little while the nurse came and took him back to the nursery so I could rest. That night around 11pm they brought him back to me to feed at the time I noticed he was making a grunting sound. The nurse told me that they were going to have a pediatrician check him because since birth he had been grunitng.  At 2am the pediatrician came in and told me that they were going to put the baby in NICU for antibiotics and observation. They thought at the time there may be a problem with his lungs or his heart, or more than likely that he had an infection. Within an hour they had ruled out heart and lung malfunction through test, and my mom and Samuel had came to the hospital. We were allowed in the NICU to see the baby and I was able to hold him. However, I still need rest so the nurses took a picture of him for me, and sent me back to my room. After three days in the NICU the baby was released. There was no infection found, and they now believe that it was just due to him not clearing his lungs as he would have in a vaginal delivery. Now he is a healthy active baby boy and thriving. We thank God everyday for the blessing in our life.
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