Leakey United Methodist Church

Leakey United Methodist Church Contacts

This page was updated on 01/08/06 and has been accessed Counter times since 9/27/03.

Pastor: Pastor Doug Smith

Administration Council Chair: Glenn Bradley

Membership Secretary: Debra Bradley

Lay Leader: Jim Armstrong

Trustee Chair:

Worship Chair: Dave Hassell

UMW President: Betty Day

Pastor Parish Relations Chair: Steve Gray

Choir Director: Debra Bradley

Memorials: Ginger Perkins

Finance Chair: Lee Middleton

Treasurer: Kathy Suttle

Historian: Mary Lou Broom

Education Chair: Ginger Camstra

Delegates to Conference: Jim and Patti Armstrong and Jackie and Lee Middleton

Evangelism Co-Chairs: Joan Flanagan & Glendora McLean

Endowment/Scholarship Chair: Glenn Bradley

Landscape Committee Chair: Cindy Smith

Nominations Committee Chair: Pastor Doug Smith

Hospitality Committee Chair: Betty Day

Greeter/Usher Chair: Howard Cole

Co-Usher Chair: Larry Carter

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