


Welcome to my world! I am two years into a five year plan and more committed than ever to my writing endeavors. The goal now is to follow the dream of writing and avoid letting “life” get in the way as I have done in the past. As of yet I am unpublished in the novel world, but hoping to change that in the near future.

My usual genre is fantasy with an emphasis on vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night. I began three years ago on a quest for a trilogy about the battles of a vampire clan against another and the humans. The usual good versus evil. Thanks to National Write a Novel in a Month I have been able to complete two of the three books and was in the process of editing and writing the third. However, again life got in the way. This time it is a story that came out of left field and is outside my usual genre preference.

The characters in this story demanded to be heard. They keep me awake and night and pop into my conscious thought at the most inopportune time. So, it is their story I am currently writing. The third book in the vampire trilogy is currently on hold while I tell this personally important story.

Take one independent, happily single and childless casino executive, toss in one weathered detective, one discarded infant, and an underage, recovering drug-addict prostitute and watch as they struggle through danger, legal battles and family discrimination to become a family, thus, proving that a real family does not require a blood bond, only a commitment and a love of one another.

Come along with me as I become the tool of the characters in telling their story and seeing where the path takes us.

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