Jewish Learning

Guess what? One of the reasons your job is called a fellowship is because you are required to engage in one hour of personal Jewish learning a week. You can do whatever you want to cover this requirement. However, take advantage of it. As much as you are helping students develop their own Jewish identity you are also here to figure out your own Jewish identity.

Now, with that being said-lets get back to reality. The JCSC fellowship can get you really busy and you might not have all the time in the world to devote to Jewish Learning. You have to find a way to fulfill this part of the fellowship in a meaningful way for YOU! Some fellows read books, some take classes, some have discussions with their Hillel rabbis. DO WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU!

One way to fulfill Jewish Learning-Attend our Wednesday noon program pizza and pluralism at Kerchoff! Its with students but there is FREE get a chance to meet Rabbis from the community and plus-you have to deliver the Rabbi and the pizza every Wednesday so why not stay and learn!
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