Community Resources and Partners
The Los Angeles Jewish Community is diverse and huge. You can find Jewish partner agencies in the city for just about anything you want to do. They love working with students, especially at UCLA.

American Jewish World Service-Coordinates Alternative Spring Break trip to developing nations. Rachel Gordon [email protected] will be your contact person in 2005-2006. Get in touch with her early to begin planning the Alternative Spring Break trip

Committee on the Environment in Jewish Life-they can help you with environmental programming, greening the building and connections to enviornmental groups.

Jewish Commuity Relations Committee-you will work closely with them-they will help fund relevant programs, provide programming resources and they will pay to send you and your kids to spitzer!

Progressive Jewish Association-They plan events about progressive Jewish issues in LA. They love working with students.

Campus Contacts
Campus Classroom Reservations: 310-825-8989
Center for Jewish Studies: 310-825-5387
Center for the Study of Religion: 310-825-8948
Mike Cohn-Student Affairs Officer, Center for Student Programming and a good friend of Hillel's. His email address is [email protected]
Daily Bruin-business office: 310-825-2161
Intercultural Programming Commission: 310-825-4675 Try to co-sponsor events with them to make it easier to program in the dorms.
UCLA LGBT Center: 310-206-3628
UCLA Center for Women and Men: 310-825-8822
Director of Resdential Life: 310-825-3401
UCLA Information: 310-825-4321 then dial 0 for operator

Helpful Hints:
The best place to table is definitely Bruin Walk. However, because it is so heavily trafficked by students and tablers, some students will avoid the area. If you can try-table at the dorms or on North Campus.

When you are trying to publicize your own events, I suggest you compile your own lists over the year of students interested in specific areas and then email them individually as certain events present themselves. Also, sending fliers to the dorms is helpful.

Student Contacts:
Contact these students for specfic programming-they will be very helfpul. There contact info is on my computer under the file "student tracking info":

Hana Meckler (arts and culture programming)
Avital Ungar (dorm programming)
Karen Gamon (community service programs)
Marion Said (community service programs)
Nat Schuster (dorm programming-he is an RA)
Jasmin Niku (she is persian, went on freshmen retreat and is involved in BFI)
Roman Groisberg(He went on Alternative Spring Break with me)
Zach Ritter (got involved in Hillel third quarter and seems to be willing to come to any program!)
Jamie Lauren Zimmerman
Rachel Klein (she went on the Freshmen Retreat)
Illana Herscovitz (she went on the Freshmen Retreat)
Jason Sorger (he went on the Freshmen Retreat and he is a fraternity)
Alexa Broida (she is reform and is involved in a sorority and in Kesher nationally)

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