Meet Alice the Alligator

Friendly or Fierce?

Alice is an american alligator. Scientists say alligators have been traced back to over 150 million years ago. They have even survived extinction when their prehistoric friends, the dinosaurs, died off approximately 65 million years ago.

Alice resides from North Carolina to Rio Grande in Texas. Usually found in freshwater and calm rivers. But have also been found in swamps, lakes and marshy land.

Diet in the Wild
Alligators are carnivorous. They have strong jaws, sharp teeth and a powerful tail that are all tools to make them a killing machine. They eat anything from snails and fish to mammals that come close to the waters' edge. If the animal is small it is swallowed whole but if the prey is large the alligatior with either shake it apart, if even bigger the alligator will use it's body to spin and tear off smaller pieces.