So you actually want to know more about me?  Hmmm....

I just did the scariest and most exciting thing I've ever done - I quit my job to travel cross-country for a few months with my good friend, Matt.  Now it's time to get back to the real world.  I just landed a very cool job (NOT biology!) working at a non-profit organization...I like what I do, but my ultimate dream is to spend my life traveling around the world writing and taking photos.  Hey, I like to dream big.

The most important thing to me in this world is my family and friends.  Below are just a few pictures of the people that keep me going.  
Click here to link to My Family, a piece inspired by psychology class.
The Gallo girl trio tearing it up
The padres
Friends from work -- Matt, Kuchler, Meghan and Sandy
Mike squashing Rianna
I couldn't resist -- a picture of our gay male turkey, who insists on sitting on eggs ( I swear it's true)
College friends at Niagara. Tys, Joe, Dave, Ian, Sean.
My cat, Teak (aka Pete to Grandpop)
My cousin
Joy and I
My favorite girls Molly and Nora with me in Boston
Our late dog Lashes, RIP
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