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Name :   Michaly M.
Age :   13
State :   Yerushalayim (Israel)
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   Nshei Chabad Newsletter
comment :   Congrats for the blog!!! and Im waiting impatiently for TONS of PHOTOS behind the scenes!!! Gut Shabbos!!!
Name :   Leli Smith
Age :   13
State :   Virginia
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl Magazine
comment :   I like to have my own newspaper.Yaldah offers me the occasion to have a Jewish magazine,with wich I can be connected,instead of having the only choice but read American Girl.Althought I love AG,I think the best mag for my jewish home is Yaldah.thanks for
Name :   Zahava Chedva D.
Age :   12
State :   Connecticut
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl
comment :   who signs this guestbook that doesnt like YALDAH?I bet nobody,but maybe Im wrong.hope not,you dont know what youre missing.I for instance will apply to the editorial board next year.Not you?~Zahavi
Name :   Gila Rina S.
Age :   9 and a half
State :   california
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   babaganewz
comment :   I just LOVE this magazine!Its such a pity that it only comes out 4 times a year.But Im waiting impatiently for my summer issue.when it will come,Ill be able to read it without any worries cause I wont have any more tests!
Name :   R@ch3l
Age :   12.5
State :   VA
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl magazine
comment :   Hi All, I think you are doing a fantastic job at Yaldah. You are making girls all over feel special. I grew up in a nonJewish surroundings and it was tough. I dont get this magazine as I get so many I can barely read them. It would be really really nice t
Name :   Yael
Age :   11
State :   Kansas
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl
comment :   Yaldah Rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name :   N.P.
Age :   almost 13
State :   GE
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   Nshei Chabad Newsletter
comment :   I love being on the editorial bord.Its a greatmagazine,with a great website!I would like to see more pictures of behind the scenes.
Name :   Amy
Age :   11
State :   Virginia
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl Magazine
comment :   Wow! I heard about this magazine and I checked out the website. Im not jewish, but its really cool that you made your own magazine. Im already making my own magazine, and you really inspired me! Thanks!
Name :   
Age :   
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   allison you live in MA but youre from germany??? and you dubscribe to american girl???
Name :   N. P.
Age :   almost 12
State :   geneva
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   nshei chabad newsletter
comment :   thank you leah for having put the text about chana bas rasha zelda (on the bottom of the homepage)
Name :   Nechama P.
Age :   12
State :   geneva
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   nshei chabad newsletter
comment :   hi everybody!could you please do tehilim(psalms)chof(20)and chof beis(22)for the refua sheleima(speedy recovery)of CHANA BAS RASHA ZELDA.thanks!
Name :   Sephora C.
Age :   13
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   iwas just kidding. my name is really Sephora, not princess sephora. but*princess* is my nickname.~Sephorah~
Name :   Avraham
Age :   13
State :   new york
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   my sister
comment :   i think yaldah is a magazine 4 girls that teaches girls how to live a frum life
Name :   Allison
Age :   11
State :   MA
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl
comment :   I love yourwebsite. I thi nk it is really cool that you made your own magazine. Im from Germany.
Name :   Sarah
Age :   10
State :   California
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   A.G. magazine... I also saw Leahs post on
comment :   Its AMAZING!!!!! YALDAH is the best magazine ever!!!!! I cant wait 2 recieve the summer issue!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!! Sarah
Name :   Ellen
Age :   8
State :   Alabama
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl magazine
comment :   I havent read the magazine.And the guestbook is the only thing that I like so far.Why dont they put games here?
Name :   Kiana
Age :   11
State :   Wisconsin
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   the internet
comment :   I think that it is great that you are making a magazine at age 15. Keep up the good work!
Name :   Riki Herzog
Age :   11
State :   ny
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   american girl magazine
comment :   the magazine is fantastik!!
Name :   Em
Age :   11
State :   AR
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl Magazine
comment :   I want to also start my own magazine. I just needed ideas and I though looking at your magazine would be a good place to start.
Name :   Princess Sephora C.
Age :   almost 13
State :   new jersey
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   my mother
comment :   i love yaldah ! can you please put more photos of behind the scenes?????? i showed your mag to all my friends (i only have jewish friends;im jewish):we love it! ~Princess Sephora~ p.s.: everybody is making fun of me, but Princess is really one of my firs
Name :   sonia
Age :   12
State :   israel
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   friend
comment :   go girl, thats whats great about it: thats its frum.i like it very much, because it speaks to me! (im not charedi as you probably guessed with my name but most of my friends are)Enjoy!
Name :   petissina
Age :   14
State :   ny
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   a .g. mag
comment :   lea, youre cute to try to make your own mag. pursue your dreams on a cloud and thanks!
Name :   go girl
Age :   12
State :   israel
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   newspaper
comment :   awsome! a little to charedi...
Name :   Dini Rusi
Age :   
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   A big yasher koach to the Girls Editorial Board! welcoming the new one and waiting to c their work...
Name :   Mushkie
Age :   13
State :   Torah Island
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   nshei chabad newsletter
comment :   now this is what i call a real accomplishment!!! it justs wows! cheers, Leah larson! cheers, editorial board!
Name :   chani
Age :   13
State :   israel
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   my grandma
comment :   leah, your magazine is AMAZING! a friend of ours went on the website, and was truly amazed! keep up the good work!!!! :)
Name :   rivky
Age :   11 and 8 months
State :   canada
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   nshei chabad newsletter
Name :   Fraydal Sara Shaindel Aidel
Age :   8 and a fifth
State :   July
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   fom my best best aunt
comment :   hi auntie leah i know ure reding this. isnt the bestest magazine around? thanx 4 telling me about it!!!!!!!!!!
Name :   rivky
Age :   
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   very nice
Name :   Beth
Age :   13 in JUne
State :   N.J.
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   A.G. magazine
comment :   hey! Im a Pro-Life girl... I love horses... It is great you make your own magazine! Even though I aint Jewish, it is very inspiring.
Name :   Elizabeth
Age :   13
State :   New Jersey
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American girl magazine
comment :   I am not Jewish, but it sounds awsome.
Name :   Bina
Age :   13 and a half
State :   New york
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   my sister
comment :   I never knew that a magazine from a 14 year old can be creaated and this showed me that i can really stand up for my beliefs and remain undaunted Thanx a ton!
Name :   Bracha Rochel
Age :   9
State :   conneticut
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   my cousin
comment :   I think that its the best ever like duh!
Name :   Henry Diana
Age :   11
State :   CA
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   a little birdie in the tree said something very true to me-he said yaldah was the best! better than the rest
comment :   um i like it because me and my sister cuddle up and she reads me all her favorites of the good parts
Name :   tova
Age :   13
State :   NY
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   It all started out with Leahs great idea. YALDAH is now one of the bes-selling maGAZINES around. You see, Earths rotation and revolution orbiting the sun caused us to have seasons. Leah thought hey, how bout an issue for every season? therefore whether we
Name :   Anna (Chana) Ruth (Rus) Markoson
Age :   12 years old and 9 months!!!
State :   of happiness! (no, really, Im from Kansas!)
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   From my mom.
comment :   I looooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvve YALDAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is totally the awesomest magazine that ever was on this planet! At first I used 2 reed American Gurl, buuuut, when i saw YALDAH, I totaleee knew it wuz the magazine for a modern Juicy J
Name :   shayna
Age :   12
State :   nj
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   american girl magazine
comment :   I love your magazine!!:D i think what youre doing is a HUGE kiddush hashem. keep ur the good worrk!; )
Name :   Ella
Age :   13
State :   NJ
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   sister
comment :   i think this magazine is such a creative idea. It really encourages girls my age to read and write. It also contains exciting articles that girls my age can enjoy. Each issue keeps on getting better and better.
Name :   Chana
Age :   12
State :   Florida
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   my friends
Name :   
Age :   13
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   its sooo cool!! u have amazing abilities leah!! keep it up :)
Name :   Sarah
Age :   10
State :   California
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   A.G magazine
comment :   I love YALDAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! its gr8 to have a mag. for Jewish girls!!!!!! Gr8 job!!!!! Luv, Sarah
Name :   Kyla
Age :   13
State :   South Africa
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   Neshei Chabad
comment :   Yaldah was a great idea! Keep up the good work.
Name :   Faith Snyderman
Age :   12
State :   Washington, D.C.
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl Magazine
comment :   Yaldah Rox! I cant wait for the next issue. Im wild about Yaldah, and I know other people who have been mentioned or recive Yaldah. xoxo, Faith Snyderman P.S. Happy Passover!!!! :-)
Name :   samantha
Age :   9
State :   pa
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   american girl magazine
comment :   i may not be jewish but i still love your website:.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name :   Florentine
Age :   9
State :   CT
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   American Girl magazine
comment :   I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVEEEEEEEEEE your magazine. Me and my friend Sophie have our own magazine: global Girls!!!!!!!
Name :   Rashel
Age :   13
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   i agree with you, miri!!! its absolutly fantastic!!!
Name :   Miri
Age :   12
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   hey i cant imagine that leah and the editorial board are doing such a great job!!! i picked up my mag and i loved it!!! im waiting for the next issue to see the talent of the new editorial board!!!
Name :   Sara
Age :   11
State :   MA
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   Friend
comment :   sounds really interesting!
Name :   
Age :   
State :   
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   
comment :   happy pesach (passover) to all! nice website...
Name :   Sarah
Age :   13
State :   WI
How did you hear about YALDAH? :   MY friend
comment :   I love how it is for girls that are jewish. And I like reading it because I think it it cool that it was made by girls my age
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