Emerging trends of a new lethal drugs:  Amphetamines vis-à-vis Methamphetamines

-Leban Serto


Amphetamines vis-à-vis Methamphetamine is emerging now in sporadic regions all over the world. The state of Manipur having a stretch of long international border yet again has become an important focus, concerning the new drug locally called,“ Ayaba” similar to global slang of the drug called “speed”. Methamphetamines are man made Amphetamines that are illegal in all forms. They are usually made in home laboratories from inexpensive ingredients. Methamphetamines are a very dangerous class of drugs that are man made in “meth-labs”. Making meth is a relatively simple process with the main ingredients being ephedrine found in most cold and asthma medicines. Other ingredients commonly used include, hydrochloric acid, drain cleaner, battery acid, fuel and anti freeze. Having a mood altering affect, behavioral effects such as increased activity and decreased appetite and a high lasting 8-24 hours. Although there is an initial general sense of well-being .The use has been associated with both long and short-term problems such as brain damage, cognitive impairment and memory loss, stroke paranoia, anorexia hypothermia, hepatitis, HIV transmission and violence. They have no medicinal value. It will be interesting to know more about the legally produced drug called Amphetamines in order to understand the composition of Methamphetamines.



Amphetamines are powerful toxic. It is a synthetic psycho stimulant affecting the Central Nervous System that produces intoxicants dependence and psychosis.  They are similar in chemical composition to the body’s natural stimulants adrenaline.  Amphetamines do have certain medical application they are classified as a Schedule II drugs both UN and US and under the NDPS.Act 1985.They are available only through highly restricted prescription procedure and are legal when prescribed by a doctor. Medical use includes treatment for narcolepsy, attention deficit, and disorder obesity.


Findings of U.S Task Force

            Some important significant resolutions adopted by the US in the recent years beginning from, May 1998 Washington D.C, held the first meeting to discuss about Methamphetamine. Oct 1998 Omaha Nebraska -second meet, May 1999, San Deigo California-third meet, Nov 1999, Washington D.C, the final meet. The recommendation of the meet concluded with a report that, The Task force had examined available data and information; unfortunately much of what exist is anecdotal and preliminary in scope. Some of the key concepts the Task Force, used to guide its proceeding include the following; “Methamphetamine is a dangerous, addictive drugs and the population of users is not well defined and is ever expanding. There is a lack of data about the prevalence of methamphetamine use and abuse. There is no single source country or single specific trafficking route for methamphetamine. The clandestine laboratories where methamphetamine is produced domestically pose significant hazards to law enforcement official nearby residents can be destructive to the human body affecting neurological behavioral and psychological functioning long after use has stopped. The precursor chemicals used to produce methamphetamines are relatively inexpensive, widely available easy to transfer and difficult to regulate. Episodes of violent behavior have been associated with methamphetamines use.”


Emerging threats

            Amphetamines vis-à-vis Metamphetamines use is emerging in cities and rural settings previously thought to be largely unaffected by illicit drug use and is increasing among populations not previously know to use this drug. Metamphetamines use will cause in particular a serious problem in some rural areas, many of which lack the infrastructure necessary to deal with a major drug problem. For example, many rural (Methamphetamines abusers) jurisdictions do not have local treatment providers or the expertise to respond to the abusers. Similarly law enforcement official in rural areas lack the training and financial resources to deal with laboratory cleaning costs associated with the Amphetamine-vis-à-vis Methamphetamines manufacturing in their communities. Metamphetamines pose a particular problem because it can be produced in clandestine laboratories using over the counter –drugs, household products, and other readily available chemicals. These laboratories subject to a high risk of explosion, causing fires and releasing toxic gases. For this reason Methamphetamines present major fire and public safety threats in addition to health threat to users. There is a general lack of public understanding about methamphetamine including its risk and consequence requiring public education efforts. Information’s for treatment providers on effective strategies had not been disseminated as widely as necessary and has not been disseminated effectively to all of the various providers involved with methamphetamine a challenge for treatment providers in terms of resource and such key concept as these as a starting point. The U.S Task force developed a set of principles need and recommendation and research priorities to inform future efforts to implement a national strategy for methamphetamines, prevention, education, and treatment and law enforcement. In case of Methamphetamines , demographic data collection is incomplete, but current information shows that methamphetamines users include more white and female on an average and older than other drug users.


 Manipur situation

            The arrest of the numerous drugs and ingredient such as, “ Ephedrine” reported since the month of August 2000, is alarming. Along the 350 km long international border line in Manipur with Myanmar, Personnel from Customs, Assam Rifles and Border Security Forces( BSF) having seized about 8100 tablets of “new narcotic drugs”, between 1998 till now. As reported that narcotic substance including heroin, now less in number and “Amphetamines type of tablets” continues to be smuggled through this town and some unguarded border points. The tablet manufactured out of amphetamine and some synthetic substance was in great demand in some areas, sources said, one tablet cost Rs. 100/- in Moreh town and Rs.400/- in metropolitan centers and even fetched a big sum in foreign countries, Rs. 1000/- in Indian currency for one tablet. The recent comments made by the UNDCP staff, “ Amphetamines might emerge as a major source of substance in the Northeast, where addicts were next to none, in lapping up new drugs”. As reported in the   Hindustan times 24th March, 2000, “that amphetamines addiction might rise to dangerous levels unless proper and prompt precautionary steps were not taken” Anand Bordia  a UNDCP Official.


Absence of a National Strategy

There is a need to impart awareness of the new menace, which have found entry in our communities. In order to   combat the menace of the new drugs, what is required is the immediate attention of the concerned citizen, community leaders and the Government at the Center and State level. By addressing the problems rather than avoiding the existence of such malaise, we can reduce the tolls the new menace can take. It is necessary that the Central Govt, formulate a concrete National Policy about the serious consequences of Amphetamine vis-à-vis. Methamphetamines. The absence of a national strategy on prevention of drug problems, not to speak of the northeast, which has been time and again undergoing the method of trial and error, reflects the lack of a comprehensive approach. This lack of consensus among the leaders to confront the issue of drug problem is the greatest obstacle towards finding a solution.


People’s movement

We have seen astonishing grass- roots efforts nationwide and worldwide, efforts whose purpose is to salvage communities and the people who comprise them. In the US there have been movement such as MOMS (Mothers on the Move Spiritually) in Washington D.C and SOSAD (Save our Sons and Daughter) in Detroit. In some cases, these efforts have been forged in blood- the blood of their children. Parents whose children have fallen victims to the scourge of drugs have started these Movements. Their emphasis is on moral reconstruction, on arming the citizens of drug-infested neighborhood with the strength to fight drug use and isolate their children from its temptation and ravages.

 Similarly in the northeast, Meira Paibis of Manipur, who have been very active in their anti-drug campaign now and then, the NMA ( Naga Mothers Association) have the genesis of its existence in the fight against drug abuse in Nagaland. These efforts at the grassroots along side networking with the Government and existing civil societies would help tremendously in their efforts to combat the drug menace. Today we stand at the threshold of the onslaught of lethal synthetic drugs, Amphetamines-vis-à-vis Methamphetamines. The issue of drugs uses confronting us is that, newer drugs in various forms will continue to appear, as long as there is the scientific inquisitive of the human mind. It remains how society and communities organize their values and ethics to shape the behavioral attitudes of its members. The need for creating a mechanism to combat such threat lies not only with the Government but also in unison with the peoples, and leaders of the communities. Numerous   lives have perished as victims of drugs in the northeast, this untimely demise of the youths beckons to us perhaps to make introspection and to ponder towards the future our communities are heading for. Perhaps we may begin this introspective look with the proverbial saying,“ Where there is no vision people perish”.


12th April ,2001 , Imphal Free Press, Manipur, India.




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