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Trivial Contest

By Synocco, Blue Jays

How well do you know your league? Test out your knowledge of League C by taking this trivia contest. Submit your answers by emailing them to me at [email protected] or by sending them to Toronto from within GSB. Guessing is encouraged!

Note: Answers exclude Northern League players, players on the waiver wire, and player in the free agent pool.


1. Which pitcher, excluding Northern Leaguers, has the lowest total rating?

2. How many pitchers had a total rating over 1600 as of Week 14? (Answer must be within 50)

3. How many players are named Bill or Billy? (Answer must be within 10)

4. How many hitters had an AVG rating of at least 450 as of Week 14? (Answer must be within 50)

5. How many starting pitchers have a total rating over 1800? (Answer must be within 2)

6. Which division has the fewest number of 490 AVG hitters?

7. How many hitters have 499 speed? (Answer must be within 1)

8. How many pitchers have 499 fastball? (Answer must be within 1)

9. Which player's name is last alphabetically? (Last name)

10. Which player is the youngest in the league?

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