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High States Poker
Hi want to join my cool new Poker league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask we go in a closed room and play untill someone spells S-P-I-N.
Hi want to join my cool new PopFu league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask I check the High Score List after 30 min.
Turbo 21
High States Pool
Hi want to join my cool new Pool league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask we go in a closed room and play untill someone wins.
Hi want to join my cool new Turbo 21 league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask I look at the bottom of the game and whoever in my league and their name appears wins.
Dice Dirby
Texas Hold'em
Hi want to join my cool new Dice Dirby league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask we go in a closed room and play untill someone wins. 6 or 9 lap races.
Hi want to join my cool new Hold'em league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask we go in a closed room and play untill someone gets a jackpot spin.
Fortune Bingo
Hi want to join my cool new Gin league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask we go in a closed room and play untill someone wins. 100 or 500 point game.
Hi want to join my cool new Bingo league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask we go in a 1 card game and the first peron to get a bingo wins.
Word Womp
Hi want to join my cool new Mahjong league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask I just check the High Scores after the intermission.
Hi want to join my cool new Mahjong league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask I just check the High Scores after 30min.
Hi want to join my cool new Keno league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask I look at the bottom of the game and whoever in my league and their name appears wins. (DO NOT WRITE THIS PART BUT THIS IS HOW YOU WIN THE FOLLOWING GAMES TOO POPPIT, BLACKJACK, AND QUICK SHOOT)
Hi want to join my cool new Wackdown league just go to and click join! How do you win you may ask I just check the High Scores after 30min.
The rest of the games are the same as KENO except Tri-Peaks which is HIGH SCORE GAMES GREENBACK BAYOU and SWASHBUCKS
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