Moving a model so crowbar is knife Make a folder named knife Then use your find folders and files program start button/find type in search box knife. Search you will find p_knife.mdl v_knife.mdl w_knife.mdl and 8 sounds aka wav files What you want to do is copy those to your Knife folder you made yet leave them in the search so you still can use them in your CS game. You do that by clicking once on the(file) then when its highlighted hold down ctrl key and then mouse button hold and drag to (drag mouseball moves file) the Knife folder you just made. You do that with all the 11 files. Now go here to this file if you dont have one create one C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\sound\weapons Now back to find files and folders this time in search box type crowbar p_crowbar.mdl w_crowbar.mdl v_crowbar.mdl and 5 sounds or wav files Now what you wanna do is,the file that has the knife stuff in it.That you made Rename all those files to the crowbar ones (p_knife.mdl would be p_crowbar.mdl) now you can only use 5 wav files for knife in half-life (rename the knife wav's to crowbar wavs same as the models. After you have renamed them the mdl files go in this folder(not the knife folder itself just the renamed mdl's) C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\models The sound or renamed 5 wav files go here(renamed wavs from knife to crowbar) C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\sound\weapons When you play a server on you can throw the knife really cool.