Are you feeling overwhelmed?

To feel overwhelmed is practically always a CHOICE. It amazes me that so many emerging leaders think this is an acceptable level of functioning, when it is actually very unbecoming, just barely productive, and always unpleasant. It's undignified to settle for this victimization, which will only lead to more.

Take charge. STOP, and figure it out! The solution is to prioritize, decide, and then act. The best way to promote clarity, care, and decisiveness is by modeling them. This process makes leaders.

May I always have the courage to live the way I know is best -- starting now! I am responsible for acting on MY best thinking, not on other people's feelings. If I feel uncomfortable, I should act in the best way, then deal with any contrary feelings later.

God wants me to be healthy, happy, and relaxed to be of the best service in my community.

If there was ever a time to act fearlessly for peace, it is now. The present generation has more advantages and means than ever before to be better informed and to act with conviction. The oncoming rush of technology's abundance of information (and our consequent feeling of smallness amid great needs) is a popular, but inexcusable, reason for inaction. Decision, based on values and priorities, is still within each person's reach.

If confused or feeling negative, put forward appreciations, offer support to others in your network, and be specific about your needs.

We each have traces of GOLD in our bodies. The element gold cannot be created on earth, but requires the heat and pressure only found within stars. Where did the gold inside us come from? Where are we going? Why are we here?

"In a rational society we would not be striving simply to be comfortable. Being comfortable is not the point. Living a zestful and courageous life and enjoying each other is the point." -Wytske Visser, PRESENT TIME journal, Jan. 1998 (p.35)

"How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world." -Anne Frank

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