south london stained glass


We have a new Museum site, which superceeds this one - please visit and enjoy! If you are in London or close by and are thinking about stained glass for your home, or other buildings, please visit our commercial site.

On this site we have presented our own photographs of a variety of glass, which to some extent reflect our own preferences. Very little of the glass shown here is actually stained (painted). They mainly use the colours inherent in the glasses, skilfully combined by the artists and craftsmen for their stunning effects.

For further reading we suggest the following:

'Stained Glass' A Pitkin Guide - only 28 pages, but lots of good colour photos and informative text.

'Stained Glass in England' - June Osborne - Sutton Publishing History Handbooks series. More scholarly, 230 pages, with a county by county gazeteer (140 pages) of glass of possible interest.

'Contempory Stained Glass' - Andrew Moor - Mitchell Beazley, 1989, reprint 1998. 144 pages - excellent, with good basics on history and techniques, but majors on approaches to design, mainly for secular public buildings and domestic glass.

A variety of Art glass from Musee d'Orsay, Paris:
From a display at the Weald and Downland Museum, Singleton:
From Churches in South East England:
From Churches in Suffolk and Norfolk:
From more unlikely places in the South East:

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