Syrup Brownies

Syrup Brownies


1 cup sugar


1 stick margarine


4 eggs


16oz. can Hershey’s syrup


1 tsp. vanilla


½ tsp. salt


1 cup flour


½ tsp. baking powder


Cream sugar and margarine; add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition; add syrup and vanilla; mix well; sift dry ingredients; blend in; add ½ cup chopped nuts if desired; pour on greased and floured jelly roll pan; batter will be thin; bake @ 350º for 20 to 30 minutes


Chocolate Frosting:


6 tbsp. Softened butter


2 2/3 cups powdered sugar


1/3 to ½ cup cocoa


4 to 6 tbsp. Milk

1 tsp. vanilla


cream together butter and sugar; add milk and vanilla; stir in cocoa; makes 2 cups

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