Eric Bischoff kicked off RAW by announcing who he had convinced to come to RAW. The general manager smiled as he waved down Test, Christian and Lance Storm: the Un-Americans! Test led the trio to the ring, waving an upside-down American flag!  Storm took the microphone and lashed into American icons such as John Wayne, Ted Williams and Babe Ruth. Christian came up next and said that Americans are ignorant. He said the youth of America would rather suck down Big Macs and surf their favorite porn sites than pay attention in school.   Shawn Michaels cut the ceremony short and told Bischoff that he wants Triple H. HBK said he did not know why Triple H isn't at the arena, but the fact is he would exercise his right as an American to beat Triple H from one side of the arena to the other! Bischoff said he would talk to Triple H. Test called HBK a has-been and told him to get off the stage. Michaels said the Canadians were still upset that he smacked around their hero, Bret Hart. He told them to learn to live with it. HBK told Bischoff to bring Triple H to him, or he would do it himself and drag what's left of him to the GM.   Michaels left, and Storm promised that the Un-Americans would make an impact that night during RAW!  MATCH RESULTS  Booker T def. Eddie Guerrero After a long, hard-fought match, Booker T hit Eddie with a scissors kick and whirled off a spineroonie! Following the match, Eric Bischoff opened the door of a limo that had just pulled in and found Moolah and Mae Young staring back at him! Bischoff told them to get lost and slammed the door!  Tish Stratus/Bubba Ray Dudley def. Molly Holly/Big Show Prior to the match, Molly announced that William Regal had called her and said he was unable to compete. However, Erich Bischoff allowed her to pick a replacement, and that replacement was the Big Show! But Trish managed to hit Molly with a top rope clothesline and got the pinfall despite being on the undersized team. After the ring bell sounded, Big Show set up a table in the ring and was about to chokeslam Trish through it! A chairshot from Bubba Ray spared the Diva from getting wood! Eric Bischoff was accosted by Moolah and Mae Young. Moolah wanted a chance to plug her new book, and the GM grudgingly said he would let her do so. Tommy Dreamer won the Hardcore Championship Jeff Hardy took on Bradshaw in a Hardcore Championship match. Jeff pulled out a ladder and set it up inside the ring, but Bradshaw knocked him down with the steel ring steps. Jeff soon countered with the Whisper in the Wind and climbed the ladder to the very top step where he executed a Swanton Bomb to get the pinfall! Johnny Stamboli stormed in and hit Jeff with a spinebuster, got the pin and became the new Hardcore Champion! Tommy Dreamer dashed right in and rolled Stamboli up, pinned him and dashed off through the crowd! Chris Benoit def. Rob Van Dam Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam had his hands full with Chris Benoit throughout the entire match. Benoit got a near fall on RVD following an impressive hammerlock. Van Dam got his own near fall later on after the Rolling Thunder. RVD reversed Benoit's attempt at the Crossface and managed to set up the Five-Star Frog Splash. Benoit rolled a little bit to send RVD's ribs crashing into Benoit's! The Wolverine latched on the Crossface, but RVD got to the rope to break the hold. RVD once again found himself in the Crossface, but manged to squirm out of it. But quicker than a hiccup, Benoit rolled up RVD and got his feet on the ropes for illegal leverage and got the pinfall! Eric Bischoff invited Moolah and Mae Young to the ring so Moolah could plug her new book. Bischoff cut her off several times. Meanwhile, Mae and Moolah started bickering in the ring. Suddenly, two big men came into the ring and shoved both women to the mat! Mae got bodyslammed and had one of the gigantic men nail her with a flying body press off the top rope! Bischoff introduced the men as Rose and Jamal. The Undertaker def. Christopher Nowinski In an impromptu match, the Undertaker nailed Christopher Nowinski with the Last Ride and got an easy pinfall! The anti-Americans came out and began attacking Taker, who fought back but was out manned. Test cracked a Big Boot to Taker's face and held up the American Badass for Storm and Christian to deliver the Con-chair-to! Triple H arrived and headed to the ring where he explained his actions from last week. The Game lashed out at HBK for having a problem with being his manager. Triple H said that he is now the showstopper and that HBK's in-ring career is over. A stagehand came down and told Triple H to come backstage. The Game was directed to where Shawn Michaels lay battered and bloody after apparently being smashed headfirst into a car window! Triple H knelt by HBK and implored bystanders to get help! The Rock def. Ric Flair The 16-time World Champion found himself in a tough battle with the People's Champion, but finally succumbed to a Rock Bottom! After shaking The Rock's hand, the Great One took his leave, and Flair readied to make a huge announcement. But he was abruptly stopped by Chris Jericho's entrance music! Flair looked in confusion at the entrance ramp and was blindsided by Y2J! Jericho nailed Flair with a steel chair and said that from that moment on, RAW is Jericho!
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