RAW Results, 7/1/02
Jeff Hardy loses the Ladder Match, but gains Taker's respect RAW opened live with the Manchester, NH, crowd buzzing in anticipation of the Ladder Match planned between Jeff Hardy and WWE Undisputed Champion The Undertaker!  Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar entered the ring with the agent saying that some people had forecasted that this would be the summer of Rob Van Dam. But Heyman promised that Lesnar would take control all the way through SummerSlam, where he would become the WWE Champion. In addition to having ruthless aggression, Heyman said that Brock has intelligence. He said that Brock can outmuscle any man and out do any man. He cited Kurt Angle issuing a challenge to everyone in the locker room last week on SmackDown! Heyman boasted that Brock can outdo anyone, so he issued his own challenge for anyone to come down and face the Next Big Thing. Ric Flair accepted, and came to the ring in a glittering robe!  Flair said he had not forgotten about Brock's interference in the match he lost to Vince McMahon several weeks ago. Flair said he's a legend, and that night Brock would discover why Flair is the dirtiest player in the game. Brock sauntered up to Flair's face and said he is in the wrong place in the wrong year with the wrong guy.  The Nature Boy shed his robe and the match got underway. Brock overpowered Flair with a powerslam that took the air out of the 16-time World Champion. Flair tried to mount some offense, but none of his tactics had any effect. Flair dropped a knee onto Brock's head and went for the cover, but Brock tossed him several feet into the air with ease. Flair held his own for quite some time, but a spinebuster caused him to rise to his knees to plead for mercy. But when Brock came closer, Flair smashed him with a low blow. A second one came as Heyman leapt to the ring apron to protest. Flair took Brock and put him in the Figure Four, but again Heyman jumped up and began screaming. Flair headed over to strike Heyman, but was quickly whirled into the F5 and pinned by Brock! Coach found Jackie Gayda backstage and said he thought she should have won the thong-a-thon last week. Jackie said she didn't lose, she just didn't win. And in reality, she didn't lose her tag team match last week, it was the fault of her teammate, Molly Holly. Molly came in and said if she spent less time parading around in her underwear, she'd be a better competitor. Jackie retorted that at least she looks good in her underwear, which earned her a slap to the face! The two women began brawling so fiercely that they made their way to the ring. Molly picked Jackie apart and went to leave, but was blindsided by Trish Stratus! Trish shoved Molly into the ring and smacked her around, then pulled down her pants to reveal a pair of granny panties! The Women's Champion scurried to cover up. Christopher Nowinski entered the ring to the Harvard fight song as he prepped to challenge Bradshaw, the Hardcore Champion. Bradshaw quickly pulled out a slew of items from beneath the ring. But Nowinski quickly grabbed Bradshaw's rope and nailed him in the skull with a cowbell and got the pin!  Backstage, William Regal watched in approval when RVD walked in. Regal told RVD that Lesnar had already fought, then admonished him for barging in. RVD said he was still looking for someone to fight, and Regal looked to fit the role. Regal accepted, and Van Dam said that he apologized for barging in, but would not apologize after kicking Regal's ass that night!  Terri found Jeff Hardy backstage. Jeff said his match against Taker wasn't a normal event since he didn't have to get a pin or a submission. He dashed off and illustrated how all he has to do is climb a ladder, and he's been in tons of Ladder Matches while Taker has not. Jeff said that he would become the champion.  Booker T stumbled across Goldust dressed as Darth Vader. Goldust said Booker was not yet a Jedi. The five-time WCW Champion said that he never watched Star Wars. Goldust told him to sit back and relax before his match that night. Booker spied Goldust's lightsaber and began playing with that. He said that later on, "Bookie Wan Kenobi" would give the nWo all they could handle!  Eddie Guerrero and Mr. McMahon were talking backstage. Eddie was excited that Mr. McMahon made Chris Benoit a member of the RAW brand. Benoit came in and Mr. McMahon said that the two owed him. Benoit and Guerrero promised to make it up to the WWE Chairman. Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam headed to the ring to take on European Champion William Regal in a non-title match. Regal dominated at the start, but Van Dam picked up the pace to make the match more suitable to his style. RVD reversed a double-arm suplex attempt into a back drop on Regal and followed with a Five-Star Frog Splash to get the win!  RVD grabbed the mic and called out Brock Lesnar. He said the two of them should settle their difference that evening. Brock and Heyman did come out, but Heyman said that one thing he always liked about RVD is that he always had guts. Heyman said he would do RVD a favor in advising Brock to not come down to the ring and bash him that night. Instead, he proposed that RVD take on Brock at Vengeance, if RVD has the guts. RVD looked around and accepted, saying that many people thought they couldn't beat Brock but he is not one of them. The next match of the night featured Spike and Bubba Ray Dudley against Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero in the Rabid Wolverine's first match in a year. Spike and Eddie started things off, but Bubba Ray soon tagged in and delivered several punches to Eddie's gut. Guerrero responded with a drop kick, but was soon smashed into the corner by his opponent. Eddie showed some amazing agility in rolling around Bubba Ray and tagging in Benoit.  Benoit picked up right where he left off last year with his sound technical ability. He crushed Bubba with a German Suplex, but was caught off guard with a neck breaker. Spike tagged in and hit a bulldog, but Benoit kicked out at two. Benoit nailed Spike hard across the chest and got a two count after a back breaker. Spike got up and went for a punch, but Benoit caught it and latched on the Crippler Crossface! Bubba Ray raced in to save his half brother.   Benoit began to dominate Spike, first hitting a suplex then ramming him head first into the ring post. Guerrero tagged in and picked a fight with Bubba while Benoit beat on Spike some more. Eddie turned around and went for a dropkick, but ended up nailing his own partner on accident! Bubba tagged in and powerbombed Eddie, but the count was broken up by Benoit. The Wolverine took a suplex for his trouble. Bubba set Eddie up for a diving headbutt to the crotch from Spike, then Bubba told his half brother to get the tables! Spike did as ordered, but was assaulted by Benoit. Meanwhile, in the ring, Guerrero gave Bubba Ray a hurricanrana, but missed on a Frog Splash attempt. Bubba hit the Bubba Bomb and got the pin, but there was no celebration as Benoit German Suplexed Bubba then tossed Spike through the table outside the ring! Benoit capped his brutality by latching the Crippler Crossface on Bubba Ray while Guerrero chipped in with a Frog Splash!  Big Show found Goldust walking around backstage in his Darth Vader costume. Show demanded to know what was the meaning of the Crocodile Hunter stunt he pulled last week. Goldust removed his mask and said that the nWo never told him what happened to his father. He said that he is Big Show's father and he smacked him over the noggin with his lightsaber! Kevin Nash raced in and said he is Goldust's daddy and promptly beat the hell out of him. Backstage, Undertaker told Terri that Kurt Angle would not make him tap Thursday night on SmackDown! After he did that, he'd move on to taking care of The Rock. Terri asked if he was concerned about his match that night, since he had never been in a Ladder Match. Taker promptly stopped the interview without responding. The brawl spread outside the ring where Big Show smashed Booker tried to slam Booker with the ring steps but was kicked to the ground, the steel falling on top of him! Show was knocked unconscious and counted out by the referee to give Booker the win! Booker celebrated with a Spinaroonie before exiting through the crowd. Backstage, Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash argued with each other while walking in a hurry. They made their way into the ring where Nash got in the Big Show's face and suddenly struck him. Big Show fought back, but Shawn Michaels stopped them. He said they didn't want to destroy each other, they wanted Booker T. Michaels said next week the nWo would take Booker out next week. Michaels said he had a huge announcement to make. He said the nWo is a family, albeit somewhat of a dysfunctional one. Like all families, they're not the same when one of their members is missing. One of their family is injured, but it's not X-Pac. This member is sitting at home recuperating. Everyone who saw King of the Ring knows who he is talking about, Michaels said. That's why in the near future everyone would see another face standing alongside the nWo, and that face would be the newest member of the nWo: Triple H! Michaels told Nash and Show to kiss and make up. The two men shook hands, but suddenly Michaels delivered Sweet Chin Music to Big Show! Michaels told Show it was just a display of tough love, and told him to come on.  Mr. McMahon met with Taker in his office, where he declared that Undertaker would face The Rock at Vengeance whether he's champion or not. Taker got in a huff and said that there was no doubt he'd be champion. He said when he leaves the ring that night, Jeff Hardy won't be able to stand up.  Matt Hardy found his brother and wished him luck, and he had a guest who wanted to do the same thing. He opened the locker room door and revealed Lita! Lita wished him luck, and Jeff raced to the ring! The adrenaline was pumping as Taker entered the ring. Jeff came down and got on the champ's motorcycle which drew Taker outside the ring. Jeff raced into the ring, bounced off the ropes, and dropkicked a ladder into Taker's chest! He followed with a crossbody onto the champ from the ring!  Taker regrouped and went to toss Jeff headfirst into a ladder, but Jeff slipped away then propped the ladder on Taker's chest and came down with a leg drop. Taker began to get pissed. He dropped Jeff on the announce table and tossed him into the ring barrier. When the men reentered the ring, Jeff began to wail away with right hands, but Taker popped him in the face. He sandwiched Jeff in a ladder and delivered a guillotine leg drop off the ring skirt. Taker set out to punish his opponent, but Jeff hung tough and nailed the Whisper in the Wind.  Jeff seized the opportunity and began climbing up the ladder toward the suspended WWE Championship, but Taker picked him up to attempt the Last Ride. Jeff turned the move into a hurricanrana that sent Taker spiraling out of the ring. Jeff slowly crept up the ladder again, but Taker nailed him with a steel chair to knock him down! Taker again went for the last ride, but Jeff reached down and picked up the steel to clock Taker in the face! Jeff smacked him again for good measure and again went up the ladder. Taker recovered, climbed the ladder and chokseslammed Jeff to the mat! Taker calmly reached up and unstrapped the championship and got on his bike. He didn't leave, however. He went back into the ring and punished Jeff with the Last Ride, then began to ride away.  Jeff crawled over and picked up a microphone to say that Taker hadn't broken him yet. Taker came back down and was about to beat Jeff some more, but stopped with a cocked fist. He patted Jeff Hardy on the head and raised his hand, before Jeff fell in exhaustion. Taker sauntered away as RAW came to a close.  Report from www.wwe.com
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