Newest Writings

These are my newest poems, letters, etc. Some are posted on, under Jolly Pines, Creativity Corner, under the name Selene.  Be sure to check them out *wink*


Love Letters from Heaven - Part 2

Love Letters from Heaven - Part 1


Love letters from Heaven – Part 2

My love,

Today I sit here writing this letter to you while I look out the window of the estate.  The view is spectacular. 

 You left to take care of your affairs just a few short moments ago but I’m already yearning just to be in the same room with you.  Even the mere sight of you brings me peace and joy.  Conversely when we’re apart I miss a piece of my soul.

 Sweetheart the sun is shining today through the soft drapes casting a rosy glow on all it touches.  The flowers outside are flourishing and as I watch the wind move through our garden, I’m amazed at the love expressed.  The wind softly moves in to sweetly caress each petal, and in doing so the flower thrives.  Not unlike the love that we share.  It moves about me covering me in grace.  In your embrace the soft blanket of heavens stars becomes the cloak where nothing exists but you and me.  Each moment together, each second, is an eternity and in each emotion, I know what it means to have life. 

 That is what I wish to express most to you my love in this letter. Your love not only caressed my heart, your fire not only entices my soul, but your very presence has given me myself.  Because of you I know what it means to breathe in the fragrant scent of flowers.  Because of you I know that the stars exist not just as planets, but as the light that twinkles in your eyes.  And my love because of you I’m an open book of love and light to anyone.  I am the beacon of love for all who doubt its existence.  Because of you… I live for joy, I live.

 As I look out into the summer day my love, I see you light in everything.  I see our love growing in the very garden we tend.  Flourishing becoming that which it was designed to become…divine.  I send this letter to your heart love, may it rest softly and keep you warm while you’re away.



Your muse


© SR


Love letters from Heaven – Part 1

 My Love;

The wind carried your name to my ear so sweetly that fateful day.  Kicking up the fall leaves in a whirlwind dance of joy that I had not yet known.  Little did I know that the future could have been told by those leaves… swirling, dancing, and leaping.  The joy expressed as the winds of change worked their magic might have spoken to a clearer eye of the love that was to be discovered.  And yet…I continued on unaware of the foreshadowing that had just occurred.

Silly isn’t it… When we reminisce now the fear we felt at the time was merely knowledge shared, knowing there was something special in our hearts.  The shift, the turn had taken place. The souls sigh as we realized on a level we were not yet aware of, that our hearts recognized each other across the ages.

This letter is for the soul that whispered into my heart, of beauty.  The soul that remains my quiet strength and guiding light.  Every moment I am with you I cannot bear the thought of a rainy day even as we are soaked in the storm.  The flowers around us are vividly colored, brightly shining even in the cold of winter when the world is asleep.  And on the nights of the warm hearth fires as I lay wrapped in the glow of your love, the howling wind outside is but a creak in the wood.  The troubles of the day are gone and the dark night shies away from the beacon which is our love. 

Back that fateful day when my soul did its dance of joy at the mere sight of you, somewhere someone unlocked my captive heart.  The journey of which leads me to this day.  I profess my love for you this day and everyday as the person who set me free, the love that has given me wings, and the light that guides me through the dark storm.  There is no love brighter than the fire of ours and I will tend that fire patiently, passionately offering all that I am to each last ember. 

And when you sleep at night, I my love will be the angel that kisses your forehead.  The spirit that gently brushes your hair away from your peacefully sleeping form to weep in awe of the beauty that the moonlight was made to shine on… And our love will transcend all that time stands for, becoming the perfect energy, put in the bountiful earth, producing the rarest flower… perfect, simple, and beautiful.

All my love,



© SR

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