7 Ft. & counting....

So you think you've had it with winter ??

Come visit and I'll show you SNOW in MY part of town!

new update feb.9, 2004

Welcome to Easy St. Parish, NY

Yes..This REALLY IS EASY ST, that's the sign on our corner!


This is my home...Do you feel any better about where you live? Keep looking...

I am actually inside here with the front door partly open to the raised porch the ladder is on

This is Jasmine, my bobcat. She seems to be laughing at me : 

Ha ha, I actually like this stuff!

Wait a minute...hey... I can't see out!

Neither Rain, Nor Snow...Uh, how does that go?

 Looks like a train might roar out any time...


Where a car was buried:

   What Snow??

Notice the road is actually cleared! I gotta hand it to the town's road crew...They do their job better than any town I've seen!

I Just Wish they could pick up the blade when they pass my driveway...One pass could instantly block you in with 3 or 4 feet at the entrance. So we don't leave the car running to warm up very long...get out quick or else....

the blu car was buried...but not's the empty 'grave' Feb.9th

This is a shot from my kitchen window to what was once my backyard...

On Thursday, over 6 feet fell in ONE DAY! My daughter and I got on the roof to clear it, or else me wouldn't have a roof right now. It was cleared the night before, yet the snow reached my chest when I got up there! (I'm NOT short, either!)                       My driveway reminds me of a certain canyon out west...

Who needs the ladder anyway? My kids remember taking the sled up there and sarting down....(no this is not the first time, we've had snow like this many times before)

Feb 7th. One week later...the snow never seems to stop here!

So next time you're about to bitch about shoveling the drive or walkway...someone else thinks you're a WUSS!!

 :) Just kidding...thanks for the virtual visit...betcha wouldn't come if it were the real thing!



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