Jasmine's Sweet Homecoming!

Hello Everyone,

thank you, oh thank you!



I want to tell all of you a story that may not have had a happy ending without a show of incredible support, help, good wishes, & the giving from both heart & pocketbook from people I have never met. Most of you reading this probably know Jasmine's story because of one mailing list or another with one thing in common. Knowing, caring for, sharing information all for the love of animals. In this particular case, it's exotic felines. To be able to cross that border into the territory of a different species with love, respect and understanding is probably not well understood by most. But more to that later. 

On August 9, 2004

See the heartbreaking pictures of the first time meeting Jasmine in months. She was placed there by a DEC officer who told me I was not to know where she was. (Later the people told me they never told him that) I had only his word twice that she was even alive, and only after repeated unanswered messages, to the point that he told the judge to make me stop contacting him as I was according to the judge 'a pest'. Meeting Jasmine

Update: August 23rd :  See A real home...for the whole story on Jasmine's life with us, her 'jail time', legal troubles and homecoming!

I remember that, ooh, it feels so good!

so please don't stop, mom!

I'm tired mom, but still don't stop!

Angela, my daughter sees Jasmine for the first time in months:


If you can't see love here, maybe you need glasses or something!




Ah, It's good to be the Queen!





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