Fixture: Standish 0 v Hindsford 4

MOM: David Aspinall
Match Comment: Standish were an even match for Hindsford until the 20th minute when Hindsford opened the scoring from some slack marking. Standish still competed well and pressed the Hindsford team until a stunning volley from outside the box dipped viciously over the Standish keeper and just under the bar in the 35th minute, 2 nil to Hindsford half time.
The second half started not as well for Standish as the first, to much room and time was given to Hindsford players and about half way through this half Hindsford scored there 3rd goal again from some slow Standish cover and marking. Standish appeared to be walking a little more now in this half which usually means their heads where down and this was further compounded by the 4th Hindsford goal. Standish 0 - Hindsford 4.
Reporter: Stefan, Standish Parent
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