The Web Site Funding Advice Wizard
How do you support your team or group financially,
Without losing track that we are here to play football
And all our time is not donated to finding funds?
The most difficult part of starting a team is finding the players and initial financing. Many teams are long established and have a solid support mechanism. Others however, are starting of, in the football world and will struggle to stay afloat.
The ideas within this short item from the web site, are to assist the newly formed teams but useful to established groups also. 
Work out your annual expenditure.
Kit, Equipment, Room Hire, League Fees, FA fees, Insurance, Public Liability, Referee Costs, Travel Expenses, Courses, First Aid Kit, Bottles, Flags, Nets, Training Jackets, Sub Suits, Training Balls, Match Balls, Media / Advertising / Printing Costs, etc
This could run up to thousands of pounds, over twelve months an average would be about �3000.00 or more dependent of course and if you pay to price or look around. With the competition out there at the moment cheapest can also be best quality - spend time and look carefully.
How do you find this amount of money ? It is frightening and requires a little planning.
Look to Subs as the initial fundraising vehicle e.g 
44 Weeks at �2.00 per player (your option) x 20 players  = �1760
Firstly, find a local sponsor.
Many companies have a fund for supporting groups, which is tax deductible for them. Ask around!!  Important to ask, if the business or company which agrees to support you would like their company name on the shirts or not.  Some will just like to see their names in the media or on your letterheads, others names on shirts.   If you have the sponsor's name on your shirts, this can cost up to an extra �150 on your kit, dependent on the supplier.
Always include your sponsor in press releases and copies of any newsletters you produce. After all, they are supporting you and require feedback to decide on backing you the next season.
O.K. you have a sponsor and are under way, but wait did you negotiate a good deal ?  How much money has your sponsor provided to you. Is it over �500, is this their first sponsorship ?  Why is this important, because there is a group called sportsmatch (available on the internet) who will match the funds, e.g.  Business provides �1000.00 for kit and equipment, apply to sports match - successful bid = �2000.00
Is that not a great way to enhance the original sponsor's donation.
This figure looks o.k. to start with but will not get you very far. We need to look at other options, after all the subs are not a guaranteed figure and will take a long time to realise.
What other options are there.
There are several large grant bodies which will look at your needs through application forms. Remember to when applying for a form to read the criteria attached. E.G are you a required group in your area or are there two many? Has your area been designated as a social exclusion area, do not know then find out.
Criteria sometimes is that your group / team is 2 years old but not always or you have attended Child Protection Workshop or you will follow F.A. Guidelines.
The main grant award bodies this refers to are:-
The Football Foundation
Awards For All
Sports England
The Football Foundation have two awards schemes, the first is the kit scheme, which each club is allowed to apply for every two years. Please note you should be F.A. Registered to qualify.  This fund is also linked to the Barclaycard free kicks Kit scheme.
If successful, you will receive a voucher for �300.00 which is redeemed at the Foundations local supplier. This is for kit or equipment.
The Football Foundation also have a Small Grants Award Scheme, where applications can be made for club development up to three years ahead and a limit of �10,000.
Awards For All, can be contacted through the internet or directly at their Warrington offices.  Again there is a criteria basis, which you should read which includes items which cannot be funded and items which can be funded.
Sports England offer further assistance but on a larger scale.
Each of these bodies are lottery based and share information. So pointless applying to all for the same things!!!
O.K This is starting to look like the team is financially viable but we have forgotten a few important things.  Funding takes time, anything from 1 to 3 months to process. Awards bodies may not support a bid from a new group and it is normal for groups to apply for small grants. Which builds into a history for other funder's, showing you can handle funder's money correctly.
So, who do we look at know.
Local Funding
Community Futures
Children's Fund
Community Chest
Community Futures and the Children's Fund are very good funds for you to look at where age limitations for their grant awards are from 0-19. 
Community Chest is a small fund based on start up costs for new groups but sometimes extend to other groups through criteria changes. This fund is available through two sources. The local Governing body or through the Council For Voluntary Service.
Council For Voluntary Service.
C.V.S. as it is better known, is located through out the country and has several offices in our local area. They are a group who can and will help you locate funds, apply for applications and assist in correctly filing in forms.
By joining C.V.S you will also receive new funding information regularly.
Other means of funding
We have looked at the future of funding your team/ group, through utilising existing funding / awards / grants bodies, which is either public funds or lottery funds. Through learning the processes of applications and learning new skills you can then pass on this learning process to team  volunteers (capacity building) and move onto other areas of team building.
We have not touched yet on the more extreme (no street cred ) forms of funding  or the traditional methods, so here goes.
Dependent on the age of your members the following is either productive or a non starter.
Bag Packing Do you have access to a large superstore such as ASDA, Tesco or Sainsbury. Many stores will allow a group for pack bags and fundraise at each check out.
Scratch Cards These come in many guises and can be sold within work places, pubs and clubs. Lets face it, if the boss does not allow you to sell a ticket to support your team, he may instead sponsor the team!!
Sponsored Events     I could list here many different events, but your imagination is the best when looking for an event, Bikes, Swimming, Parachuting to name a few.
Main Events  Jumble Sales, Fairs, Auctions, Sportsman's Dinners etc.
We have looked at many different ways to fund your team or club without being negative once. It is in your best interest to look at the opportunities around you and to think ahead.  Year 1 the formation, may be a struggle but what about year 2 onwards.  Look to being a success on the field in your first year and off, through good solid financial planning. Part way through year one, try to anticipate your costing's for year two and three. If this sounds difficult -
First,  look at your current expenditure, are you developing your membership / club or remaining stagnant. What will the extra cost be and where will you find it ?  Investigate for example, for the next year indoor hire costs.  Add it all together and then approach you funder's for an application form.  If you are not sure of the costing's, ask another member volunteer to check you figures and ideas. Then, work out a plan of what requires funding and where to look for it.
Be methodical in your approach. Remember that your priority is to successfully fund your group. Whilst you are in the process of doing this, other members are available to volunteer to assist in other areas of the club.
Your success is the team / group participating the following season.
A great idea, is to share your good results in the media. This allows other groups to see what is available to them and a chance for you to "cut" out the press release and send it back to the grant body. They like to see their good work being advertised. Send a copy to your Sponsor, let them know you are not relying fully on them but that you are resourceful also.
Let teams in your league know of your success. Post the grant funders details on the web site. Equally if you had a problem let us know that also.
Many teams in the league, have had success in funding, others have never tried. There is experience available if you require it just ask !!
Within this page, we have seen many funder's who support football, there are many more. Sometimes you can find information on the Internet, Via C.V.S Fuders Data Base and through pure luck via asking.
Good Luck with your team and groups wishing you every success keeping your club financially viable.  Remember there are many different groups supporting many areas of our society all trying to access local funds. Through a little work on behalf of your club and the confidence of successful applicants in the league you will gain a lot of support to assist your cause
Funding 1 Funding 2
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