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Melissa Babcock

Melissah (as she spells her artist name) will be working on her new CD sometime this summer.

Lives: Nashville, Tennessee

What is the best part of being in the music business?The best part of being in ANY business is the fact that you belong. If you don't? GET OUT QUICK!!! hehehe, more than likely you are filling a niche someone else might be dying to fill while another one is there waiting for you. I was sort of born into the music business (almost literally, but that's another story) and have tried to leave time and time again but its the only place I fell like I belong.

The worst? The worst part about the music business is the last part... the word business. I think it is an utter shame that so much has to be focused on having a market. I wish that musical expression could somehow be converted directly into something that sustained life! But, I'm sure things are the way they ought to be and there are lessons to be learned from having to convert the powerful expressions we feel into something that can make money... and if not? Well, you'd better be sure we'll find a way around it. I think the closest anyone has come has been Monsieure de Sainte Colombe (look him up - you won't be sorry).

What advice would you give to an aspiring Singer/Songwriter?Nothing worth accomplishing will come without purposeful goals and hard work. That's true with life in general and music in particular. Even if you're just naturally talented it's only a resource - you've got to cultivate it, refine it, and realize that no one owes you anything even after all of your work. Then, when you finally do acomplish you'll have so much more to be grateful for if there was a sacrifice (like the feeling of being well after a sickness). Remember to be grateful continually.

Who has inspired you to become a singer/songwriter?Intially my mother inspired me. She was a singer for bands, etc. since I was born until she was quite old. I remember seeing all her sparkly clothes and trying them on and dreaming... I'm sure every girl looks up to their mother. I wanted to be just like her, only I had a horrible voice! I've had to work very hard on that. Later, I had a verry good voice teacher, Dr. Taylor who really solidified my desire to just sing! Finally, probably my largestinfluence, Tal Bachman just had a "hit" at the right time when I was soul searching as to what I not just WANTED to do with my life but what I NEEDED to do with my life. I saw his example and BOOM! I knew that's where I wanted to be... not just singing, but so much more. Hehe.. but, you didn't ask why they inspired me, so I'll just end this already terribly long answer.

What is (are) your favourite scripture(s)? Hmmm. This one and colors give me trouble. I say... how could I love an part more than the whole? At times, certain colors appeal to my moods, as do scriptures. But, when all is said and done I love the fullness that all the scriptures together provide.

What is (are) your favourite hymn(s)? I like "If You Could He to Kolob" because of my Dad. "Abide With Me" and "Reverently and Meekly Now" are very pretty.

What are some of your favourite things to do?

I like to dance around the house singing muscials and what not.

I like to SCUBA dive and distance running.

I love practical jokes and secret pal sort of things.

I love everything about computers from building systems, designing networks, writing applications, and designing and administering websites.

I love spending time with my family and children in general.

Oh yeah! I love to sew and quilt and crochet.


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Mp3 Site

Last Up Dated: October 28, 2000