Moterhood: An Eternal Calling


~Motherhood: Priceless, Privileged and Promising

(Please note: This is the introductory discussion to this group devotional. Notes and additional information are available in the FILES on the yahoo list. You must be a subscriber to the group devotional in order to view files and arhchived messages).

Too many women don't see motherhood as a vocation. The word "vocation" comes from the Latin word for voice. It means a call and there is no higher, nor holier, calling than motherhood. It is a calling that is priceless in value, privileged in service, and promised with a blessing.


First of all, God wants us to understand the value of our calling. Contrary to the clamor of our present culture, God deems the worth of a mother priceless. Genesis chapter 3, God tells the very first mother, Eve, that through her seed a Savior would come. Our Savior came to this earth through the womb of a woman, and that gave motherhood a price too high to be counted. It was God's stamp of approval that motherhood is very significant.

Think about it for a moment. Eve had a part--a unique part--in bringing grace and mercy to the world through childbearing. Through her seed, the plan of salvation would be partially fulfilled. For Eve, childbearing was a chance to be a vessel of value, a chance to be the mother of a godly and priceless seed. That seed, sent from above, would save the world. And so Eve became, as her name means, the mother of all living.

You and I are equally priceless because of God's call to bear godly offspring. Though our blessed Savior has come through Mary, our mothering remains more precious than gold. For you see, motherhood is a threat to the forces of darkness. A mother, (of course with a little help from the father) brings offspring into the world. And a Christian mother has an opportunity to raise her offspring in the knowledge of Christ. Herein lies the threat to the domain of Satan - Christian offspring! Is it any wonder then that motherhood is under assault through the propagation of abortion on demand? To be a mother is indeed, a priceless calling.


Secondly, God would have us understand that raising godly children is a sacred privilege of motherhood. Children are not to be viewed as a hindrance, an intrusion, an interruption or a burden. When children are thus viewed, the amount of time a mother spends with her children begins to diminish. Subtly, a mother loses sight of her God-given privilege to raise her own children. Other things creep in and become more important. What is really happening is that she is giving away her privilege to raise her own children. In her absence, she is allowing others the prerogative to influence them. We must take care then that our hearts embrace the privilege of child rearing. We must not despise its weighty demands.

An interesting example from the insect world: something the queen ant does before she lays her eggs. She bites off her wings! Really. She does this so that she can tend to her new children and not fly away from the nest. Listen with your spiritual ears here. Do I need to clip off my wings? How can you raise godly children without giving them your time and attention?


Lastly, Heavenly Father wants women to understand that the faithful mother can expect the promise of blessing to come, not only to them, but to their entire family as well.

One blessing a mother can experience is that she becomes more Christ-like. One of the main attributes shown by Christ was His willingness to serve those around Him. Daily, a mother has the chance (privilege? opportunity?) to serve her children. Motherhood is the ongoing process of becoming like Christ. Mothers are servants, cooperating in the will of God by taking care of their children. Christ needs His servants not because He is weak, but because He willed it for His glory in those who love Him and seek His kingdom.

Now for example, a field of grain. How did it get there? God provided the soil, the sun, the seed and He brings the rain. But that waving field of golden grain would not be there without the work of the farmer. We are partners with our Heavenly Father: There is meant to be a union, a seed, conception, growth, nourishment, fruit. So now, it's your job as a mother to watch over, to care for, to provide for, to influence, to love, to shape the destiny of your children.

This site updated 14 JUNE 2003


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