Websites open in a new window.  Click here for references.

Employer - Sean Stubblefield
This site shows my Flash abilities because most of my time for this website was spent creating the Flash intro page.  I created four out of the six pages.
Contact Sean Stubblefield

Robert E. Lee Class of '72 Reunion
Employer - The CHEAP Committee
This site had to be created almost last minute so that it could be sent out to all of the Lee classmates.  It has a message board from Bravenet and was completed in three hours (not including updates).
Contact The CHEAP Committee

Employer - Central Texas Chapter of CFMA
I did have a template for this site that included all the logos.  The site was completed in four hours (not including updates).
Contact CenTexCFMA

Gifts From The Heart
Employer - Linda Heathco
I did the main part of this site and the online catalog.  I used a shopping cart from  The entire site was completed in fifty hours.  (Note: This site is no longer available.)
No Contact Email Available

HillCountry Dachshunds
Employer - Molly Wolbrecht
This website shows my logo-making ability because I created all the logos (except for the dachshund graphic at the top and the email graphics).  I also created a Flash introduction for this website.  This site was completed in five hours (not including updates).  (Note: This site is no longer available.)
Contact Molly Wolbrecht

Austin Traffic Signal
Employer - Fred Shin
This was the first professional website I did and it was completed in twenty three hours.  (Note: My version of the site is no longer available.)
Contact Fred Shin

For each website I do, I ask the owner if I may put my logo at the bottom of their site, to signify authorship. It is completely up to the owner of the site, so I do not attach my logo to anybody's site without their permission. Most of the clients have allowed me to do this, so you will see my logo on their websites.


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