All About Mike
This section was made to comemorate Mike Turner and his contributions to the greatness of Our Lady Peace. Here you can read my thoughts, Mike Turner quotes, and a poem he wrote. I've also included a selection of the very best pictures, and even the transcript of an e-mail message I sent to the band on December 14th, 2001.
My  Thoughts

I am very sad that Mike Turner is no longer a part of Our Lady Peace. But I am not angry that he has decided to go on with his life, and not be stunted in his own personal growth. I suppose it was time to move on.

I was actually quite taken back when I heard the news. I was in total shock, and I refused to believe that my favourite band in the world was undergoing this kind of turmoil. I know this sounds really cliche and pathetic on my part, but I felt empty inside because I always thought they would be a complete unit. Now what are they? What is Our Lady Peace without Mike? He was a pillar in the making of the band, and it will never be the same without him.

I always felt like I knew Mike more than the other guys. I feel like I related to him. He was always so kind and supportive of the fans, and he really appreciated us. Why did he leave? I really don't know. But the official story is that there were "musical and personal differences" involved. What does that even mean? I don't know, and I suppsoe I never will. I just hope all of us can eventually just let it go, and be happy for Mike in his new endeavours.

I wonder: Will Mike start his own band? That would be wonderful! I would love it if he didn't disappear from the media altogether. He needs some kind of recognition of his own.

On a different note, how will
we the fans remember Mike? Will he eventually be forgotton, just as Chris Eacrett was? Will people delete any past reference to his existence in the band on their websites?? This would surely be ungrateful and unappreciateive; completely disrespectful. I am personally planning to keep Mike's legacy alive on MY website, with this partucular section.

I hope I've given you something to think about.
Mike Turner Quotes

"It's kind of refreshing to keep our energy going. I don't buy that record-company marketing-department idea that an album cycle should be two years. I mean, the Beatles had a nine-year career, and we're in our seventh year as a band. Let's just keep going."

"We're musicians...not actors."

"We knew we liked him (Sol Fox) the day he didn't object to taking his shirt off for a shoot in freezing, winter in Canada temperatures. He just said, 'Well, I'm no Charles Atlas but I'll give it a go'. He was so cold, but he's up for anything and he's wise and he's lovely." [1999 interview]

"It's not about fish, but more to do with discovering for yourself what really makes you happy. Every person must do this for themselves, and you can interpret our songs in the same way. We want you to ask yourself what makes you happy. [1999 interview]
(answering �If 'Happiness Is Not A Fish That You Can Catch', then what is happiness?�)

"I hate fruit, bananas are the worst. I suppose it's because they're small that they're less repugnant than oranges. Oh, and for that reason they make less effective projectiles." [1999 interview]
Been thinking lately, a lot about death
and how the one that matters the least is your own,
Not that it's inconsequential, just not that relevant.
The death of circumstance is the one that counts.
Death will change everything
From your pet bird to the person that gave you life.
At some point it will take them from you,
where once was a letter
will be blank
Not that this comes as any surprise,
you remember when you figured out this whole mortality thing
meant you as well.
Then, childlike, even death became about you.
You became singular, alone in this confrontation.
Truth is, it's not death that confounded you but life.
Been Thinking Lately
By: Mike Turner
Your life isn't about you, it's about the things you go through, including death.
But not yours.
Your life will flow and ebb, with death the tide.
And some branches will not survive,
but the tree will live on.
People will come into your life and
change you.
And your life.
People will leave your life and
change you
in your life.
And when you leave this life,
that will not
change you.
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