New Royal Arms of Harmony - A crown imperial over a YinYang symbol that covers a four legged version of the Isle of Man symbol supported by the Dragon of Swayville and the Grey Wolf of Finndo.


          Hosted by Prince Spencer of Harmony
          At The Hotel Kashfa, Downtown Haven
          45 Gulf Street, Haven City


          That was the invitation I got. The crest was unfamiliar to me, and seemed too crowded with stuff on it. However, what in the heck do I know about heraldry? I�m sure everything meant something.

          I had never heard of Spencer before this, and had only barely heard about Harmony. It was the site of Greater Power, I think. I�d have to look it up. I had RSVP�d before I left, and so when Carl asked me if I wanted to go, I had an easy answer for him; I was already going. So, we went together. Our first outing as a couple. I had a bad feeling about it already�things were going to be said, but if I was very lucky people would say it to my face rather than behind my back. I think I could deal with accusations of being, well, fickle (to put it mildly), but it�s all that gossiping that gets to me.

          Carl wore a midnight blue tuxedo, midnight blue for Inverness, I guess. He looked very handsome in it too�I really love a man who dresses well. His only accessories were a white carnation on the lapel and his signet ring. I still didn�t know where he got his sigil. I really should ask someday. I dressed in black (of course), the sort of dress that leaves one shoulders and arms bare. The only jewelry I wore was the pearls and engagement ring that Carl gave me. I put my hair up in a braid.

          We were ready, or, well, as ready as we ever were going to get anyway. We arrived on time, which was slightly later than just about everyone else, it seemed. The party was being held at the Grand Wolf Hotel in Haven City.

          Blah. Haven. Ok. One more chance. It won�t be so bad, I told myself. Even though the Havenites were a bunch of bloody, opinionated gossips. Kelric was alright, but the rest of the Havenites I�ve met I can�t say that I really liked. Well, except for Nimue, even though she was twisting the knife the last time I saw her at the Christmas thing. Of course she wouldn�t understand why I quit Haven�s service, but I suppose that was understandable. If I had roots sunk down somewhere, I�m sure I�d be very defensive about a place that I loved too.

          Anyway, this hotel was a big deal, I guess. It seemed overly�.well, just overly everything. Very posh. The suite that the party was actually held in was called the Golden Star Suite. It was�bright. Bright with gold, and bright chandeliers, and bright red and white rugs. The tableware was bright, and the crystal, and everything was. Bright and sparkly. Maybe I should have worn white?

          A gent, rather good looking in a clean-cut kind of way, greeted us. He was blond, and was wearing a tux. There was some sort of sash over his shoulder, which I�m sure indicated some honor or office. He was smiling, broadly, and reminded me of the Mecks. All smiley. �Your Majesty and your Highness,� he said to us. �Welcome to the party. Please enjoy yourself.�

          Carl offered a hand to him to shake, which they did. �Thank you for the invitation,� he replied to the smiley man, whom I presumed was Spencer.

          �Yes, thank you,� I said, smiling brightly to match the room. �It is a pleasure to meet you.�

          Spencer offered us a couple of flutes of champagne. Carl took both, and handed me one. I smiled briefly to him, and took a sip of the bubbly. Just a sip, mind. I wasn�t going to drink tonight. The last time I was at a Haven gathering and drank a lot, I ended up being really, really bitchy. So, I figured it�d be best to lay off the alcohol and keep my wits about me. I just listened to the two of them talk, and held the glass.

          �After this party,� Carl said to Spencer, �we need to talk. Since tables have turned, I believe I may be able to help you tune the foundation, and help keep some of those undesirables� fingers out of the pot.�

          Spencer beamed at Carl at that, �I think that Harmony�s King, whoever it may be, will be delighted to make sure that there is a clear succession and that there are no disruptions in Harmony after liberation occurs.�

          �Still,� Carl said, �you forget, I actually traversed part of the Mandala before I created. It sort of allows me to keep an ear to Harmony. And Inverness was formed on the lee of Harmony and grew to size while being sistered there. So, Inverness and Harmony have more in common than you realize�and now that Inverness is full sized, anything that goes on in Harmony, I think I should have an invitation. Might help make things go better�� He paused there, ��the more the merrier for sure. I might even have a few skeleton keys for the back hatch.�

          �I am sure millions of our soldiers will appreciate that backdoor or two,� Spencer replied, �and Harmony�s enslaved billions will look forward to liberation sooner than we dare hope. Thank you.� Ok. From what little I knew and gathered so far, Spencer was throwing this party for Harmony, or Harmony�s King, or future King rather. Yet, he was talking already like he owned the place. Interesting.

          Carl took a moment to reply, �I thought you were the designated one�or Aurora.� Aha, I was right. Bravo, me.

          �That is to be determined,� Spencer remarked, like it was already assured. �However, many Great Power Council members and many of the people of Harmony resistance feel that Harmony should be ruled in accordance to Swayville Law with a King.�

          �Well, Harmony was set up with a King and a Queen, that co ruled,� Carl pointed out. �And the people seem to like tradition.� He paused slightly, �I think that the succession would need to be settled before any other action is undertaken. The uncertainty would otherwise be a major tool to fractionate the resistance support, don�t you think?� Well, that made sense to me.

          �That is something that has something that is obscene used by the corrupt Pharaohs of Egypt,� Spencer replied, sounding a bit like Nimue there. �Bances ruled that the Harmony GP is a male only Creation and that Queen Cat was only a regent and the Great Power tolerated her presence in the construction.�

          Carl seemed mildly surprised, and raised an eyebrow. �Totally blows every nuance I felt about Harmony from my interaction with it�not to mention seems to go against others I�ve known, like Tango.�

          �There is no precedent for brother-sister joint rule as King and Queen in the entire GPC,� Spencer replied, sounding snippety. �And all family codes veto that horrible state of matrimony.� Really now? Doesn�t prevent them from having sex now does it? Didn�t think so.

          �What brother-sister?� Carl asked, now looking full out surprised. �A lot of us loop back to cousins or more distant fro the simply reason�anyone who�s not family blood doesn�t survive a lot of the family antics. Plus, the standings in the Almach Di Swayville.� Uh, ok.

          �Otherwise, Aurora would have been blocked from walking it, and only children of Cat and Mordred could walk it,� Spencer replied. Ah, I see where he�s getting that �only King� stuff from now. �I have a study from the Mosley Institute on the subject.�

          �I�m aware that genetics and Patterns can be a tricky subject to interpret. Of course, there�s always the broad and telltale, let them walk it and see if they make it,� Carl observed.

          I have walked it,� Spencer said. �Although in the free portal in Moselyberg, we have a copy of the Mandela which has never fallen to the forces of Evil. And I think Aurora walked it one time after a fight with our father.� Ah, Aurora�s his sister.

          �You have a full copy?� Carl asked. �That�s interesting��

          �My grandfather ensured that my father was not unchecked. The memory of his crime in the fratricide of my uncle Mosley was something Mordred�s soul felt tremendous guilt for, and he secretly received counseling and did Blood rituals to purge himself of the guilt.� I stiffened very slightly at that, and took another sip of my champagne. �Lord Milton supervised the purges of Mordred�s guilt too little too late, but we know Mordred had terrible remorse for his crimes of bestiality with the Abyss Hag Comrade Dorcas, and his cruelty to Cat and his own meanness to Aurora. We know he was in horror and crying with the murder of Mosley and the attack on grandmother Dara,� Spencer said. �King Kelric even cured portions of Mordred�s genetic defects to turn his red eyes back to a natural blue.

          �My grandfather Lord Osric saw to my education in Thelbane and also made Mosleyberg, the great fortress of Swayvillism in the heart of despair, all alone in the night, my own fortress and bastion of light.� What in the hell did that have to do with anything? I was confused.

          �Besides, Bances says that it must have a King in accordance with the Swayville Laws,� Spencer said, looking over to Nimue. She glided over to join us three, dressed in a Roman-Greco type of dress, cut short. She looked very lovely, wearing white to my black. Watching her come over to us, I realized that she had been standing with Art, chatting. He looked sharp too, in a dress uniform of grey.

          As Nimue joined us, she locked eyes on Carl, totally ignoring me. She also looked�I don�t know. Set for a battle? She had a fierce look of concentration to her, trying to make herself look aloof and distant. �I don�t think this is a question of gender and ability, nor the prejudices of Bances and Thelbane,� she said. �It�s a question of how much are you looking to Amber. Dorcas and the Commies are not the only threat on the loose. Or have you forgotten that Gerard and the Amber fleet seem to be a bit active these days?�

          Subject change, sort of. I felt�uh�uneducated. I listened anyway, trying to sort some sense out of all this.

          �Amber�s not the best place nor situation at the present. However, it will take a great deal more than me to do anything about it. And other than a straightforward mop up job, I am not the man to engineer to do it,� Carl replied to her. �And anything done about Amber will be a lot more than a straight and simple cleanup.� He drained his glass. �Patterncrash would look like a snowball fight between some preschoolers in comparison.�

          Her look to Carl turned decidedly cool, and she kinda stared at him. Carl stared back, and his demeanor changed slightly. Something was going on here that I wasn�t quite getting. �But even if Harmony ended up with a Queen, everyone is aware how much you revere and support Queen Tabitha�� Nimue finally said, breaking the silence between them.

          �Her Majesty Tabitha was chosen to be Queen. To aid the effort of peace and restoring Ygg, I did sign on to be a part of the cabinet. After a couple of paving jobs, there is much work to be done there again,� he told her. �I fulfill my position in the cabinet to the best of my abilities, to the wish of the Crown I chose to serve�long before I Created. When there comes a time that I feel I can no longer serve the position I accepted, I shall then resign.�

          �Yes. Very good,� Nimue said, sounding like�well, sounding very British. �I can see I am wasting your time. Pray, gentlemen, carry on without me. It would seem that I could spend my time in better pursuits elsewhere.� Where did that come from? I frowned, taking another sip of my champagne to hide it. Nimue was acting very strangely. Oh�wait. No�she wasn�t�jealous? Nah, don�t be dense, self. There was just something else here that they were saying that I wasn�t quite getting, that�s all.

          �Queen Tabitha swore an Oath to Swayvillism and was nominated by my grandmother, Queen Mother Dara, Lord Suhuy, and my uncle King Kenneth,� Spencer interjected here while Carl and Nimue were staring at each other coldly. �She was crowned by Lord Bances of the Holy Church of Swayville. And my grandfather Lord Osric ruled in favor of her claim on behalf of the International Court of Justice. I am secure to say that each of these notables who have more direct say in Harmony as Lord Bances had it for a year under interdict for my father�s gynarchial heresies in worshipping Abyss Goddesses and how my grandparents wanted to see more internationalism in place. I am delighted to note that all of these great leaders of our time endorse that Harmony must have a King.� Oh, I see why he was throwing this party now. He wanted to get support for him to be King.

          Carl gestured vaguely with his free hand, glancing to Spencer, �Then get on with it. The sooner the better.� He turned back to Nimue. �In what way could that be?�, he asked, giving Nimue a very cool look. �I�ve stated enough that it should be clear. Harmony needs to settle the issue of succession, the house needs to be cleaned. That�s simple, straightforward, and I expect to take a large and active part in it. As for Amber, I alone cannot deal with it, and nobody�s offered to do much from where I�ve heard about it. Since everyone wants what should be done by diplomats behind closed doors run up the flagpole, fine. That�s where I sit, stand, and feel.�

          �How and in what way I chose to spend my way is no longer any concern of yours, Laird Carlton,� Nimue responded, turning to leave.

          �You said you were wasting my time, and in tone conveyed that I was not being clear enough. I did not ever refer to your time or your choices of how to spend it,� Carl replied. �I am sure, that you shall see to the latter.� There was definitely something else going on there. He turned back to Spencer, �I�m not saying that Harmony shouldn�t have a King. I�m just curious as earlier Aurora was trying to stake a firm claim to Harmony, during the time of it�s waning and Inverness� final expansion, and parting of moorings,� he explained. �Once Gawain and Gareth shuffled off on their own paths, the succession to Harmony has seemed rather, well, tangled and muddied. I know that Cat passed to somewhere else and Mordred followed her eventually�at least for the time being. So, if the succession is not clear�it needs to be made clear, is my point. And the sooner the better.�

          �There is no sign of Gsquared,� Spencer replied primly, �and they have probably been murdered and sacrificed to the Abyss by the People�s Gynarchial Revolutionary Council. As the country is in the hands of Marxists and Abyss priestesses, the logical action is to support the forces of light. King Kenneth has personally endorsed this endeavor as have many other major rulers and influential people into Lord Osric and Lord Bances along with King Reinhard and Queen Regent Swayvanilla.�

          �So who�s arguing? You�re tangeting here,� Carl said, crossing his arms. Uh oh. Classic defensive posture there. Of course, between all three of them being nitpicky, I was feeling defensive too, and I wasn�t really part of this conversation. Just think�this was merely the reception. I was quite sure the main event would be something else. �Going back to the first comment, you are not the only person with blood that can claim the throne of Harmony. I know of others, and some happen to be women. My comment is that the succession should be cleared up, and the successor chosen. Period. Before we proceed with the cleaning up problem, as it would help in unifying the factions within the Creation.� He paused for a moment, �So, who is going to be the next ruler? Simple question, and should be a simple answer.�

          �That is simple,� Spencer stated haughtily. �Lord Bances and the GPC only will accept a King. Next issue.�

          �And the answer is as simple and straightforward as it is in any other country,� Nimue responded, evidently still hovering around and listening to the conversation. I had almost forgotten her. �It will go to those that can hold it. That is the lesson of history. Those of Mordred�s line who can hold it will have a stronger claim than others.�

          �My advice is for Inverness to ensure future growth and historic ties to join with the rest of Creation and support the War Council which has been formed and is a joint committee and also join with Swayvillists to ensure that sacred Swayville Law predominates across Creation,� Spencer said. �We are in danger with the return of Oberonism and must work harder to ensure that Oberonism is contained to Amber.�

          �Inverness has been closely tied with the goings on in and about Harmony since before Inverness was created,� Carl stated, way too calmly. �Anything that's about to happen in Harmony I think I have a personal stake in. Cut the chaff here. It's not a matter of when and support this and do that, its a matter of it will happen, be cleaned up, and things go back to peaceful and correct within.� Carl uncrossed his arms, �Since I held the gate for a long time, I think I better be in on whatever's being hatched. Since when am I considered the last one to the plate, hurry up or you're not going to get into the footnotes?" He paused for a moment. "I have been with things like Patterncrash, with Ersatz Sable, and others. And it hasn't been a tenth as complicated as you're making this out to be. Settle the issue of who is heir. Round up the forces. Lay the battle plans. Let's clean house." There was another pause, for a heartbeat. �There are times for politicians and times for generals. The politicians better settle the inheritance, then get Out of The Way and let the generals do their part. If you reverse it you get a coup and a fizzle. Not a monarchy that will stand and the problem removed.�

          �A public party is not a place for strategy and deal making,� Spencer replied. �First only people who want in will be accessed to it. Will you support Harmony�s transition from a dictator mad universalist Abyss Hag to a Swayvillist King?�

          They were just going round and round in circles, driving me slightly mad. Carl wanted to know who was going to be in place, and Spencer wanted support before he�d say anything very solid about who would be ruling. Sigh.

          �Once more,� Carl sighed softly. �Pick an heir and crown them. Then let�s go clean up the mess. How much more simple is that.� He reached for another champagne flute. �What�s there has got to go, so let�s go clean it up.� He raised his glass and I let out a soft sigh. Ok, finally the end of this conversation. �To crowning a new monarch in Harmony, soonest. To cleaning up the mess and getting peace and order restored.� Bravo.

          Before I could echo the toast though, Nimue stepped in again. �I think what my brother is trying delicately to ask, sir, is where your loyalties in Creation lie.� I blinked. Spencer was her brother? Oh, well, that explained a little bit here�and didn�t Carl just say �What�s there has got to go�? Wasn�t that a declaration of loyalties? �That has a very direct bearing on bringing you into any sort of endeavor.� She took a sip of her champagne, locking eyes with Carl again. Sigh. Double sigh.

          �Very simple. Clean up the mess, and restore the peace,� Carl replied. �Harmony has had something go south and it needs to be put right. The crown needs to be settled, and it needs to be cleaned up. Me, personally, I�ve been waiting for the issue of who inherits to be settled�and I�ve been staying out of that for the most part as I am not an heir or claimant. Then I�m all for the cleanup.� He paused for a moment, thoughtfully, �The mainstream that enforces peace and harmony amongst the family is what they term �swayville law�. And a patriarchal monarchial system. So be it.� Ok, fine. Let�s get on with this then, I wanted to say. However, I kept my mouth shut. Carl exchanged flutes of champagne, having drained his second rather quickly. �Both standards have worked in Inverness, and Harmony and Inverness are closer than some think, the former did have heavy influence on the latter. So any cleanup would tend to follow the status quo�of what was before the present problems began.� He took a drink of his champagne, �Just because I have a more liberal view of the intelligence, ambition, and achievement potential of the non male half of the family, I can and do get jumped up and down on. And that is the only place I do differ. So, I consider all the children of Mordred as eligible, but I doubt that any other than a few of the front running men�� he nodded politely to Spencer here, ��will be able to effectively consolidate their claim and settle the succession. And as for who ends up with it, I do not care other than that the also-rans shouldn�t suddenly disappear�as can happen.�

          �I believe the same was said about both Merlin and his brother King Kenneth,� Spencer said mildly. �They predicted that Kenneth would have his head bitten off in a few days like a chocolate bunny. Some bunny. Some head.�

          Carl focused on Spencer, �So. I charge you. Settle the question of the succession, and let us go clean up the mess, the sooner the better. I see much less problems if the succession is settled first. Inverness is on the side of cleaning up Harmony and restoring Peace and Order. Inverness expects to be part of the main cleaning up, and to assist and have the assistance of other GP�s that feel the same.�

          �And who do you see as your claimant for the Kingship of Harmony?� Spencer asked, starting to look testy.

          Carl glanced down at himself, then back to Spencer, �I have no claimant. There are claimants�and recently, a few children of Mordred I had no knowledge of, step forward. So�� he handed his empty glass to a passing waiter, ��I�m waiting to see who lines up and who supports whom. My main concern is that there is one chosen soon. And that they are heir to Mordred. And they are not going to perpetuate the current mess in Harmony.�

          �Well,� Spencer replied, �while you are making up your mind, I suggest you look to your common border with the Bolshevik Abyss Gynarchs. They declared war on Creation again and you in particular.� I blinked a bit. Carl was telling them that he was on their side and all for restoring peace�and Spencer was� Oh, I don�t know. He gave Carl and short, small smile though, and not a terribly friendly one. �I look forward to the efforts of the brave fighting men of Inverness in opposing this menace.�

          �I have every confidence in the troops, General Joanna Donovan does an excellent job at that,� Carl replied, smooth as summer silk. �We�ve been seeing more and more of them along the border, and the choicest ones are forwarded to Jason�s S&R court. He enjoys gravelling them��

          �A Trillium daughter to guard Creation against Aliens and enemies of Swayvillism?� Spencer said, sounding aghast. �Do the wolves and coyotes guard the sheep in Inverness?�

          �Joanna is a DeLacy. She was married to my brother, and yes, there is what WAS Trillium and what happened to that, we shall not tread. That can escalate to tacnukes," Carl sighed. "She was a brilliant and talented tactician long before she met my brother and she still is." Carl stared at Spencer evenly. "As far as the job she does, it has been an excellent one. As I have zero tolerance for anything from the Abyss, or for Jeddi, or for Hutts or any of that related mess. And she does the job demanded of her, or she would not be there. And yes, because I am creator, I can and I do keep a close eye on that."

          "That is... Most.... Quaint," Spencer replied, looking disinterested.

          "It works. I make sure of that,� Carl replied evenly. He then sighed softly, �There is not one so called shrine, chapel, or even commemorative plaque to anything having to do with �the T� or my brother��

          Spencer wrinkled his nose and interrupted, �Trillium has caused Creation no end of Pain. Even to this day it is a fundamental issue between the King of Haven and his son, Maxwell the Cat. I suspect Canada gets boycotts from Spain over residuals of it. I think that most people wish that the tacnukes on Trillium had been launched sooner."

          "I told you, that's over and done. Leave it at that." Carl replied, a bit tersely. �For your information, there is exactly one representation of my late brother, and that is in the Gallery of Family, in the main cathedral of the Faith of Knowing, in Carlsburg, Danji, Inverness. Along with some of my other brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews�lifelike realistic, life-sized, with a simple bronze plaque indicating his name and his relationship to me, and the small black rosette indicating he�s dead. I�d be glad to show you if it worries you in the least.�

          �I think that my family would require consultations,� Spencer replied. �Perhaps if my grandfather Osric were to come with me.�

          �Any time,� Carl replies. �My family is depicted in that area, and that is the only likeness of him, other than a few photos my former sister in law possesses, or her children. Which would be a normal situation, don�t you think?�

          �Perhaps my sister Nimue would accompany me,� Spencer replied, sounding�sly. He smiled to Carl, �You may know her. I think she was the jilted one.�

          I blinked at Spencer, in some surprise. �Don�t you think jilted is too strong a word?� I asked. �After all, that indicates a strong sort of commitment to have been, er, abandoned, such as one leaving a lover.� I glanced to Carl, smiling just a little. If they were lovers, he better have damn well told me. I was positive they weren�t, or ever had been. I turned back to Spencer. �I don�t think that was the case, though it is between Carlton and Nimue, and no business of yours or mine.� There. Very diplomatic.

          �We are both family in an extended basis and intercreation royalty,� Spencer commented, sounding haughty again. �There are thousands of planets along who cling to every romance and tryst as they did during the marriage and divorce of Chuck and Di.�

          �Lucy is absolutely right,� Sasha interjected. She was dressed in some scantily cut red dress. �Jilted isn�t the right word. The word you�re looking for, Spenc, is �shafted�.�

          I blinked again, cut by the comment. However, before I could put my foot in my mouth, Carl interjected. �A couple of casual dates makes for jilting�hm,� he commented, then paused. �Your sister is a very nice and delightful young lady, I grant that, and I wish her all the best. However, even amongst gentlemen, there was nothing that construed that I can remember that would not be repeatable in a public situation. It may be regrettable in some circles, but what is one to do when a bolt hits them?� He glanced towards me, meeting my eyes for a brief moment. I melted, forgetting about Sasha for the moment. �I am afraid that lightning struck.� He turned back to Spencer, �I did try to be gentlemanly, and the missive I received seemed to have settled the matter. I leave it thus.�

          Spencer turned away, to pick up a fresh glass. �It has been delightful speaking to you Old Boy. Perhaps another day. In the meantime, I suspect you have a border to protect. Toodles.� He turned and walked away from us, taking Nimue with him. I sighed as Carl and I moved further into the party. Well, that was over with. Really. I just don�t understand what else it was that Spencer wanted from Carl. I know I�m wet behind the ears when it comes to politics, but it seemed to me that Carl was affirming everything that Spencer wanted�except saying, �I will support you to be King�. And Nimue�well, I didn�t know that they even had a couple of casual dates. I thought they had, but no one confirmed that. Oh, bugger it all.

          We sort of just watched the party from where we were standing. It was�well, it was a party. Nothing terribly fascinating about it, though I did see my father show up. That was a good thing, and he looked very sharp, much different than how he presented himself to me. This would give a good opportunity to tell him that I was engaged to Carl. I didn�t know how Colmar would take it. I mean, we really only had the one meeting, but he seemed very eager to be a part of my life. Plus, he thought Carl was a good, stand-up kind of guy, so that should be well. I think he might just be relieved it wouldn�t be Art I was marrying.

          Oh! Over there, my mother arrived�not wearing a green leotard this time! Thank goodness for formal parties! That chap with her must be her husband, Jason. They looked nice, and I think they made a good couple, at least on the outside, there. Would be nice to finally meet my stepfather. Spencer went over to greet them, looking delighted.

          �It might be best if we go say hi, and break the news?� Carl asked softly, breaking my train of thought. Oh, wait, I was thinking about the same thing.

          I nodded, �Yes. Let�s.� I smiled a little at him, �Have to let people know sometimes, I suppose.�

          He grinned at me, and my smile grew. I loved his grins� �As if your searchlight doesn�t wave it like a flag,� he said, a touch of mischievousness to his voice. He offered his arm to me, which I took.

          �Ha-ha,� I replied, smirking at him a little as we walked over to Jason and Claudine. �You picked it out. I�m surprised I can lift my hand at all. Sheesh.�

          �Oh, come on, I could�ve picked a goosegg sized one,� he chided back to me gently, still smiling. �That just covers the back of your finger very nice.� I couldn�t stop smiling, though I started to feel a bit nervous as we waited for Spencer to finish with Jason and Claudine. And what Carl said was true. It could have been some totally horrible huge thing. Still, I couldn�t wait for just the plain band of gold to grace my finger�not that I was looking forward to the wedding itself, mind you. I was looking forward to having it over and done with, so we could get on with our lives. Our married lives. Mmm. Nice thought, that.

          Nimue moved over to talk to Colmar. Hmm. Well, I guess we could wait on talking to him then. Something about the both of them standing there bothered me. I had bad flashes of Moira and Merlin in Haven, kissing the in the reception line. Ugh. Well, at least Colmar wouldn�t make out with anyone on the dance floor or somewhat. He seemed rather shocked and upset when the Moira/Merlin kiss happened, so I can�t imagine him turning around and doing a similar thing. I glanced around quickly, Moira was here�but Merlin wasn�t. Whew. Still, as Spencer talked to Claudine and Jason, my nerves started fraying again. It was�waiting to meet someone important to my mother, and thus important to me, and thinking about what Spencer had said to Carl�and what Sasha had replied to me�and oh, really now. I should just stop thinking about it altogether and just get through this night. Without alcohol.

          Ok. So a brief breather wouldn�t kill me. It didn�t look like Spencer was going to wrap up any time soon with Claudine and Jason anyway.

          I turned to Carl. �I�m going to go to the power room,� I said, trying to keep my voice light, and pleasantly neutral. �Check make-up and all that.�

          �Looks fine to me,� he replied, wonderfully oblivious.

          �I�ll be back in a few,� I said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek softly. He blushed at that, and I smiled a little. Ah, love his blushes. I stepped away from him, getting some directions from a passing waiter. When I glanced back at Carl, he was still watching me. I gave him a quick smile, and went to the powder room.

          Once the door was safely closed behind me, I let out a huge sigh. Ok. That was harder than I thought it was going to be�and we were still within the first hour of the evening! Ack. I simply must toughen my skin, and learn to ignore what people are saying. Or something, at least. If I was going to a Queen (!), I needed to learn how to just�relax. Or, be stately. Queenly. Ack, I was so not used to this sort of thing�and the more I thought about it, the more it seemed Spencer was being deliberately obtuse to pick a fight with Carl, without really picking a fight. I do understand if they feel that Nimue was�well, I don�t know. I mean, really. If it was only a couple of casual dates, then how can she possibly be jilted? How can you have that strong of an emotional bond to someone to be heartbroken over them over a couple of dates? Now, granted, if it was a date like Carl took me on�er, weekend�uh�month�uh�ok, so not the best example there. And it�s not like I knew anything about her and Carl even having the couple of dates until this moment. I remember asking him�and then he�oh, yes. That�s what led to the couple month long vacation. But he didn�t answer my question either. Still, when I mentioned it to Art, that Carl and she might be dating, he said she was dating someone else. Ah, Wolfie.

          Get off that subject, you silly twit. That�ll just make you more upset. Besides, it really isn�t any of my business what happened between them. I mean, really. I am the one engaged to him, and I was thinking (at least not acting, yet) like a jealous bint.

          However, if their whole family�if the whole country of Haven�felt like that about Carl and I, we might be in for a rough time, no matter where we went or what we did. Best to just not acknowledge it, and let it blow over. It would eventually. Some new scandal will come along.

          So, I checked my make-up, and my hair, and steeled myself to go out again. Just ignore everyone, I told myself. The night will be over soon enough. I went to rejoin Carl outside, feeling better. Well, maybe not better, but calmer at least. I could do this. After all, things could be worse. Queen Jasra could be here. Always look on the bright side.

          However, it wasn�t to be this evening. Whether by some quirk of fate or strange coincidence, I passed by near where Nimue and Sasha were talking.

          ��never sure who they are supposed to be entertaining for,� Nimue was saying.

          Sasha laughed, �Well, I find them entertaining. Can�t quite decide if Spenc is going to be as entertained at this one or not. Everyone trying to be polite while trying to get one over, the verbal dances, people who bring out their sparkly doorknobs for all the world to see�� I stopped for a heartbeat hearing that, even just offhand. No, no. Ignore. Go on.

          �Sasha!� Nimue declared in a strangled sounding voice, growing ever fainter as I moved away.

          �What?� Nimue�s sister replied. �Oh, I suppose they kind of have to. Just so people can see whose turn it is��

          If there was anything more to that exchange, I mercifully didn�t hear it. Smile, I told myself. Nothing�s wrong, you are calm as still water. I rejoined Carl, giving him a smile, and not a plastic forced one either. Who cares what they thought? We were happy with each other. Ok, so I still cared. A little. But�it�s hard not to, especially when hearing someone whom you thought was a friend gossiping about you behind your back. Maybe I heard that wrong�or it was out of context. Maybe. Yeah, that was probably it. Sure. I could make myself believe that, with some time. Did I want to bother though?

          Anyway, Carl was near enough where I left him, and there was a fairly big crowd present. Some new arrival. They were talking politics. As he took my arm in his, we went to approach Jason and Claudine again. Claudine spotted us right away while Jason was talking to the small crowd.

          �Thank God, an ally!� Claudine stage-whispered to us. �Carl, get ready for anything from rapid diplomacy to an evacuation!�

          He grinned in response, �Dear, I even brought a brace of supersoakers.� He paused slightly, �Um, can you get that juggernaut�s attention for a wee moment? I think you need to hear something sorta official like�not just warped rumors from palantir nights and too much toenail straightener��

          �Uh oh�tell me and I�ll get it to him,� Claudine replied. �If you don�t want Lazare to hear, then that�s the way to do it right now.�

          Carl shook his head slightly, �It�s mostly you should be the first to hear, despite the speed of intel.�

          �You mean the royal plural�Carl, if I drag him over right now, he�ll probably bring Lazare with him,� Claudine responded. �If you wanted that, you wouldn�t be talking sotto voce like this now.�

          I tried to maintain a bit of a smile even though I was growing ever more nervous. Ah, champagne. I didn�t even have a chance to finish my first glass�and surely one more glass wouldn�t hurt. I picked a flute up from a passing waiter, and had it taken out of my hand by Carl, who replaced it on the tray. �Jason, you ol�� he was saying as I frowned at him a little, ��we need you for a moment, if you can spare one?�

          I glanced over to Jason, then back to Carl. �I�m sure I don�t want to know,� I said, still frowning.

          When Jason came over to us, he said, �You realize if I�m going to be best man, I get to throw you the bachelor party.�

          Carl sighed softly, �Only if I get to ban any and all water flinging devices. I think otherwise you�ll have to have it surgically removed, along with a set of press on nail.� He sighed again, and took both of my hands in his. �First of two, tonight�announcing our intent to the parental units that need to know, all the others that want to hear, and the stalkerazzi and intel in attendance�that Lucretia and I are intending to tie the know. No, don�t look for the lobotomy scars�� Carl directed his gaze to Jason, then turned slightly and winked at Claudine, ��neither one of us needed that. Yet.�

          Claudine smiled at the both of us, "Living with the right person beats all hell out of living alone." Her husband nodded his agreement in that. Carl did as well.

          "Thank you," I said to them. "You certainly hit that on the nose�" I glanced over to Carl and was struck again by how lucky I was to have found someone like him, and that my feelings were reciprocated. "Sorta came out of the blue," I continued on, "but I'd say it's safe to say neither one of us are taking this lightly."

          "Ok," my fianc� said, "I'll take that as approval on this front�and if you can spare some time, I have a teensy little favor to ask of you�"

          Before Carl could go any further, Tabitha joined us. She looked particularly nice tonight, in a dark blue dress, and diamonds wound in her hair. "Hi Pops, Mom�Carl," she said as she regarded each in turn. "It has been a while since I attended one of these. It feels a bit strange."

          Jason was grinning ear-to-ear, "My favorite hazard of marriage! Tabby-cat, I'd like to formally introduce you to Carl's intended Lucretia." And her sister, I added mentally. "Lucy, this is my daughter Tabitha, Queen of Ygg--or aren't you already on that Council of hers? Way I heard it, you two hellcats bludgeoned that poor spy within an inch of the Geneva Convention."

          "Dad," Tabitha said, a vague whine to her voice. "I don't know why you always make me sound worse than I am."

          "Remember, your father is House Brand to the core. He's complimenting you!" Claudine laughed.

          Tabitha colored. "Oh, right. I forgot," she said. She forgot? "It has been a while. Well, in that case, I am not even sure we used the Geneva Convention. I just didn't want anyone to know."

          "Uh, yes, I am," I finally said, referring to Jason's earlier question. "Minister of Science. And, uh, no, that wasn't me." Ok, that was a bit contradictory. "The spy 'bludgeoning'," I added, to clarify. "That would be Heidi you're thinking of, I think."

          The Queen of Ygg nodded in agreement, "She is right. It was all my idea!"

          "Heidi, Charlie, and their contingent," Carl interjected. "I offered them some 'special' duct tape but they decided not to waste it on him. Sorry misguided arse he was�typical rabid fanatic." He shook his head, "I'm sure the intel report will be ready soon on him."

          Tabitha nodded again, "He was a bit scary, though. He could have been behind my kidnapping. I didn't know that Aven's crazies were still running around."

          Carl sighed, "To be safe, consider there are some around for longer than Allen Unkerr graces this mortal coil. When he goes, give it another few centuries." He paused for a moment, "That might be the perfect place to dump 'em too. The Allen Unkerr Superfund Cleanup shadow site you've got reserve in Ygg for that notable."

          While Carl and Tabitha were talking, Spencer crept up on us. He gave Tabitha a big smile, reminding me of the smiley-smile Mecks. Sigh. I really am getting too�sarcastic in my own mind. "Your Majesty," Spencer said in velvet tones. "I am delighted by your attendance at my party. We are all honored by your presence. It is a pity Lord Charlie was unable to join you."

          Tabitha greeted him friendly enough, "Thank you, Spencer. I wish Charlie could have attended�but some urgent business came up." She frowned slightly, "I hope he will be careful."

          And, of course, with Spencer came Nimue. "Tabitha!" Nimue said with a smile to rival Spencer's. She offered Tabitha a glass full of champagne. "What an unexpected surprise. I hadn't thought you'd bother coming to Haven. How nice to see you�" Ok. Well, that sounded almost genuine. No, no. Sarcastic musings here. I'm sure it was quite nice.

          Tabitha smiled at Nimue as she took the glass from her. "Thank you, Nimue. I haven't ventured out of Ygg in a while. There are so many different faces�since I was last here."

          Nimue shared a look with Spencer, "Yes, well. The times have changed. Carl was just telling us all what support he has for the idea of Queens having power." I bristled slightly at that, and tried to stay calm all at the same time. Was I just reading too much into things? Oh, jeez, how I hate politics�and this snide�attitude.

          "Creation watches with anxious breath over the amazing skill that you have and when the Princess Matilda will find herself a throne," Spencer said.

          Tabitha coughed a little bit at that, as she was trying to take a drink at the same time Spencer was talking. "Matti as Queen of Haven�now that really would be amazing. God help us all."

          Tabitha almost made Carl choke on his own drink at her musings. He did manage to swallow, but made some rather interesting noises after that. "That was not nice," he said to Tabitha, shaking a finger at her, "you blindsided me totally with that one�" As he tipped back his glass I relaxed again. If he wasn't taking offense at Nimue's snide comment, then I guess I really was misreading it.

          "Well, think of it," Tabitha giggled. "Everyone would be at war with Haven and Matti would be concerned about why her dresses had not arrived. Or what hair-do to make official."

          "Well, she is sort of Haven's�erm�fashion queen," Nimue said.

          Tabitha found that humorous, "That is one way of putting it. I think Matti is a huge fashion don't."

          "Some people seem to like her style," Nimue said. "I have to confess I've never been much of a student of fashion."

          "Really, who?" Tabitha asked with a grin. "I have yet to find one person who actually believes that she is the fashion queen to follow."

          "Ah. I believe the Rexford sisters as well as my own sister Sasha have managed to follow her trail-blazing activities and taken fashion statements to the political arena as well," Nimue pointed out before taking a sip from her glass.

          With that, Sasha joined us. Sigh. "Are you talking about me again?" she asked with a smile. "And here I don't have on dragon skin item one."

          Tabitha went through a few peculiar expressions. First, she blushed as she addressed Sasha. "Even Matti would not wear any type of dragon skin. She may have terrible taste, but she is not insensitive. She likes the Mecks too much to upset them." Then, she turned to Nimue, giving a sympathetic look, "Sorry, dear. My condolences for your sister. The Rexford twins were crazy long before Matti arrived. Maybe you can deprogram your sister."

          Now, we were joined by Moira. Argh. "Ummmm, I didn't know I was pre-programmed�"

          Tabitha spared her a glance, "Sorry, dear�I was too busy being upset at your�sister? Is it?"

          "I thought those were last week's fashions," Nimue said to Sasha. Then, she glanced at Moira with a smile. "I don't think any of us knew we were..."

          Sasha chuckled, "Don't tell Sean. He loves the pants"

          "I suspect he loves them best on the floor," Nimue said quietly. "And I'm sure whatever you think of to wear next, he'll enjoy as equally."

          Moira joined the sisterly banter and said to Sasha, "With you in them or out?"

          "Both," Sasha smiled.

          At this point, Tabitha sighed loudly, "I am really getting too old for this." She looked around, "Is there anyone intelligent here other than my Dad and me?" The three Havenites looked�well, different yet strangely the same at that. Sasha bristled, visibly. Nimue put on a mask of neutralness. Moira narrowed her eyes. Although, I must admit, even I was taken aback by that comment.

          "By that defining set of criteria," Nimue answered quietly, "I would say there isn't."

          "If you'll excuse me... I'm beginning to regret not packing any heat tonight and I know how you feel about that," Sasha said in clipped tones.

          As Sasha was turning on her heel to leave, Tabitha smiled. "My dear�my temper is infamous. I set fire to people who annoy me. Just a friendly warning." Friendly warning?!? Sociopathic behavior is what I'd call it!

          Sasha glanced over her shoulder at Tabitha, "And I just shoot the ones that annoy me. I'll see you in the office, Nimue."

          As Sasha was finally leaving, Tabitha laughed, "Is that the best you can do? Shoot people?" I wouldn't talk Ms. Pyromaniac, I thought to myself. "Well�I have been shot and lived to tell the tale. You are definitely going to get better weapons." With that, Sasha finally left to rejoin Sean near the bar.

          Nimue's carefully crafted neutral fa�ade was so blatantly transparent it was almost laughable. Although, I really couldn't blame her for being at least mildly upset. I was a bit upset too by all that. Of course, it was entirely possible that Tabitha hadn't gotten over her troubles yet. However, since Jason, Claudine, and Carl weren't reacting to her strong statements, I can only assume that this was status quo for Tabitha. That was a scary, scary thought. "I can see where your diplomatic techniques differ from mine," Nimue said very quietly, sipping from her champagne.

          Tabitha grinned in response, "Thanks, I learned everything I know from my Dad, Jason. After all he is known for his diplomatic skills." Uh. Right.

          "Ah," Nimue said, a slight patronizing tone to her voice. "Did he teach you everything he knew then? Or just the obvious tricks?"

          "My father showed me everything...including the dollhouse and his action figure dolls too. I even became quite friendly with all his cartoon friends," Tabitha bragged.

          "That must have been nice," Nimue replied mildly.

          Moira, in the meanwhile, didn't take her eyes off of Tabitha during all this time. "I'm so glad my sisters and I don't hide behind a powerful parent. I'm sure Peggy would never stand for that..." she said, her voice syrupy sweet.

          "I am not insulting anyone merely stating facts. I am not hiding behind anyone. I never have. Check your history girls. I am very proud of my Dad and his unique approach to diplomacy. And as far as my Father goes. Jason and I are a team. I never have to watch my back because I know he is there. And I can't think of single person in this family who can who can say that, except me. My father is am I. So what?" Tabitha finished with a mostly rhetorical question. I shook my head inwardly. I was related to this. The half of my family on my mother's side were all insane. Well, maybe Claudine wasn't�maybe. Ok. Royce wasn't, that's for sure. So, just my sister was insane. Lovely.

          As I was brooding on that, the two Havenites left exchanged some looks, which I suppose, were supposed to be meaningful�and gas was added to the fire. Christiana walked up, saying as she did so, "Well, yes, that is a trap that many fall into recently, isn't it?" She was dressed in this purple tight-fitting dress. Yuck. I hate the color purple, and it so didn't go well with her red hair.

          Moira cocked her head to the side, smiling, "Trap? with the pointy sticks at the bottom.... and the rats...."

          Tabitha rolled her eyes. "God, how I hate these stupid pointless catty games that girls love to play. They are such a waste of time.� I bit my tongue. Nope. Not gonna say it.

          Moira stopped smiling and looked back to Tabitha, "Is bloodshed a game to you then? As to being a girl," Moira looked down at herself, then back up again, "I must confess to being one. So what does that make you?" She gave Tabitha a studious look, as if trying to decide on something.

          Tabitha groaned. "Why do girls always have to lower themselves to most common insults? No bloodshed is not my game. I play games where I win and make sure that whoever is pissing me off doesn't get to do it again."

          "Then you will forgive us if we take our leave, Your Majesty," Nimue said, smooth as summer silk with a curtsey. Moira followed suit, and both of them left.

          Tabitha watched them leave, sighing with relief. "Bye girls, nice talking to you."

          Chrissy said, "If I would have realized that a slight departure was necessary, I would have came sooner, to this little part of the party. Too bad for them that the unsaid insult is louder then all the verbal ones they just threw."

          Tabitha turned her back on everyone present "Now, let's see if I can't talk to someone who is actually smart," she muttered under her breath, blatantly disregarding Chrissy. Chrissy turned and left without another utterance. I didn't blame her, poor girl. I bet she was taking that last bit personally. She made her way out onto the balcony, and closed the doors behind her. I frowned watching it. That wasn't a bad idea, actually.

          I turned to Carl, "Excuse me for a moment�just going to go say, ah, 'hi' to Chrissy�" I gave my love a smile, and had it returned, then followed Christiana outside, closing the doors behind me. Whew, it was a nice night out. This was a welcome relief from that horrid party. God�what in the hell possessed everyone to be such�well, bitches? I mean, at least Tabitha has an excuse in that she went through some traumatic experiences.

          I walked towards Chrissy, who was standing near the railing. "Hey, long time no see," I said, mustering a bare smile, the best I could manage after that fiasco inside. "I can see you're having as much fun at this party as I am�"

          "If it's no fun whatsoever, I think you would be right," she replied in a dull tone. "I never knew my presence alone could dissolve almost every conversation in the room."

          I approached the balcony, half-way raising my hand, "Oh, hey, I'm the horrible one who stole Carl away from Nimue, you know�" I rolled my eyes at that. Stole him away my ass�yet that was the inference everywhere. Bloody Havenites. "If I hear one more catty remark tonight either to my face or behind my back, I'm going to explode into a fury, or break down crying." I leaned on the railing, glancing over to Chrissy. "Still don't know which yet."

          "We could leave now for a girl's night out," Chrissy suggested, "but I believe that you would be missed and dad would skin me alive later for it."

          "I couldn't anyway," I said, shrugging and sighing. "Leave that is. Best to just stick it out and get through it without any major meltdowns."

          "I would seriously like to slap Nimue though," Chrissy seethed, echoing my thoughts. "She needs to get the stick out of her ass as soon as possible, but it seems like it's so far up that it would require surgery. That and someone needs to get her something other than Miss Manners to read. A nice history book, so she can quit thinking Haven is a perfect realm."

          "Well�" I started, racking my brain for something to say. Chrissy hit upon too many points right there that I agreed with. Oy, what was I turning into? I straightened up again, leaving my hands on the rail. "Nimue is Nimue," I finally came up with. "Think of it like a Zen koan, like 'What is the sound of one hand clapping?' She can't help but to think Haven is perfect, like I'm sure you prefer Imperial Amerika to all other lands. Haven's part of who she is, and ImA is part of who you are." Wow. I was very proud of myself. That was a very nice thing to say, considering that the Havenites have been tossing insults left right and sideways all night.

          "I have nothing against other places," Christiana replied. "But I think ImA is far from perfect. I don't think any place can be perfect."

          "It depends on one's view of perfection," I said, trying to sound jovial. "I've been told many times that Haven is Kelric's view of Nirvana�since he made the place, I'm sure that's true. I don't know if that's true for your father and ImA�" I glanced over to Chrissy, wondering if I should bring Art up in the conversation since there was the big row over me leaving ImA�and Art showed up with Nimue to this shindig.

          "I don't blame Carl for picking you over her," Christiana said, almost as if she didn't hear me. "In a way, I'm glad that he did, at least working with him will still be possible." She paused for a moment, her eyes still searching the horizon for something. "I shall enjoy making her life a living hell in ImA. Her latest plan is to get father to seclude me in the darkest corner of ImA so the rest of Creation forgets I exist. Not like I don't have my own spies in ImA that whisper at the possibility of him appointing me ambassador. If she does screw that up, I definitely will make her life unbearable."

          "God, if only the rest of Creation would forget I existed," I sighed, wistfully. That would be lovely�settling down with Carl someplace. Mmm. Not having to go to these dreadful things. Mmmmmmm. Being able to express an opinion and not have it broadcast to Chaos and back. Mmmm.. Privacy. That summed it up right there. To have my privacy back. I turned back to Christiana though, and smiled a little, "Thanks for the, uh, compliment though. I don't really think it was a matter of him picking me over her. As Carl said earlier, when lightning strikes, it strikes." I shrugged slightly, feeling warm inside. It was nice having him to�just be there. "And, as for the rest of it, vent all you want. That's why I came out here, so, you know, if you wanted to talk a little, and vent some frustration.."

          "Thank you," she replied, sounding like she meant it.

          "You're welcome," I said to her, smiling.

          "I sort of know what that's like," she said after a moment. "When lightning strikes. I wish you all the luck."

          "Thank you," I said, meaning it. "That's nice to hear every once in a while." As opposed to the catty, backstabbing comments�no, no. Don't dwell on that. Ignore it.

          "You're welcome," Chrissy said, sharing my smile for a moment. "So, what has everyone been talking about?"

          "Other than making cheap shots?" I replied with a laugh. "I don't know. There was a bit of an�incident, I guess, between Tabitha and the Havenites, but I think you heard some of that. Politics, I guess, otherwise. Other than Spencer greeting Carl and I at the door, I've only heard a little bit here and there, really."

          "So, pretty much Spence is trying to gain support and everyone else is taking time to make cheap shots at everyone," Chrissy mused. "No wonder why no one is willing to talk seriously to me."

          "Well, maybe cheap shots is kinda broad," I said, hedging a little. "It just feels that way." Boy, did it ever. "And yeah, I think basically that's it. I mean, I don't understand a whole lot of the situation--only what I've been able to pick up here and in the papers--but I think that's the bottom line. Spencer wants to be King, and he's trying to get support."

          "It seems as if he would be better off coming to everyone privately instead of massing us all together. Look at the trouble that starts once all of us got inside the door," Chrissy pointed out.

          "Maybe," I agreed. Then, I sighed. "I don't know. He's coming across like a snobbish suck-up as it is, but who am I to pass judgment?" Good question that. "I'm sure he's under a lot of pressure, and that can really warp a person's personality."

          "He really doesn't seem like the Spencer I knew years ago, but I blame most of it on Nimue controlling his life," Chrissy said, bringing up the hated 'N' word again.

          "I don't know much about that," I said slowly, sensing rotten ice here. "Not a thing." Maybe I should make an exit now, before I put my foot in my mouth again? "I should really get back in there�not really very nice of me to abandon Carl twice like that."

          I looked to Christiana, and gave her a bit of a smile, "I'm sorry to cut our talk short, but duty calls. Maybe at some point we can go have that 'girls' night' you were talking about?"

          "I shall look forward to a time when we both can get together," she said with a smile. Good. She didn't take any offense. Maybe I was getting better at this politics thing? No. Just�being myself. I hope she felt better now. I know I did. Refreshed, again.

          "Excellent," I said, grinning. "We'll have to do that sometime soon. For now, I leave you to the view." I gave her a wave, and went back inside looking for Carl. He, Jason, and Claudine hadn't moved very far from where I left them. Carl was blushing at something when I rejoined them.

          "Ah�no�" he was saying, "more like the bride could use some pointers on how to deal with the ladies auxiliary and being worshipped and her imagine painted on icons."

          "Oh, that," Claudine said. "So far, I haven't found anything more useful than grin and bear it. It helps that they mean well. It's not like Earth, where if you're famous everyone wants something from you."

          Carl nodded, "Place I've ever been there are now tourist traps. A spoon I used in a diner is now in the local city's museum with a spotlight." He shook his head as I blinked. Was he serious? I mean�he told me about the worship thing�but�that was ridiculous.

          Instead of letting my mind dwell on that, I turned to Claudine. "Well, any advice given would be useful," I said to my mum. "I'm rather new at this, well, maybe I should say that my, ah, fields of expertise do not lie in the political arena." I gave up, and ended with a bit of a smile. A spoon in a museum?

          "It might also help her relax some too�" Carl added. "After all, you are the master at leading the Ladies Auxiliary around. I think the knitting klatch is a stroke of pure genius." He finished with a grin, looking over to Jason. "He's a most lucky fellow, I daresay."

          After that discussion, we headed over to Colmar. He looked alone at the moment, and since we informed my mother�it was now my father's turn to 'get in the know'. I think he looked very handsome tonight, sort of a weird archaic suit, but dark. Nice. He noticed us right away, and gave us a skeptical lift of his eyebrow.

          I smiled at him, feeling my nervousness grow again at the lifting of the brow. "You don't mind if we take a moment of your time, do you?" I asked, hating how my voice sounded very small right there.

          Carl stepped in there, "It has been quite a while�and might we, indeed, have a moment of your time"

          Well, lucky lucky me, Colmar had been blocking my view of Nimue. But, as my father turned to regard us, I spied her. Was she everywhere? No matter where I turned tonight, there she was! She glanced at my left hand, her face that careful mask again. She looked to Colmar. "The considerations of family are more pressing than those of strangers," she said softly, sounding priggish. Must have been the Haven accent. "If I may take my leave of you, my lord? I look forward to our next opportunity to speak."

          "As do I, your highness. As do I," Colmar replied to her. He bowed, she curtsied, and off she went. He turned back to us, "My time is yours."

          Carl seemed to be growing nervous during that exchange, "It seems that I have been blessed to be gifted with the adoration of your daughters, and to that end�announcing our intent. Hopefully, you do not object to such a thing?"

          Colmar looked at my left hand. Next time, I'm leaving the damned thing home. Then, he looked back to my beloved, looking very serious. "It would be a bit late if I did, would it not?" he asked mildly. "Your observance of the proprieties is duly noted. I would think less of you had you not--and even less if I believed my objections would have any force." He smiled very slightly there, and the knot of tension that I didn't realize I had suddenly relaxed. "You have my blessings and best wishes. Be happy."

          I could feel Carl relaxing next to me as I beamed at my father. "Thank you. That means a lot to me," I gushed, feeling elated. I mean, it was�nice that Claudine and Jason approved of our match, but I�I don't know. I guess I wanted Colmar's approval more than Claudine's. On impulse, I stepped forward and gave Colmar a hug. He seemed surprised at first, then returned it, much to my delight. Ah, family. Ok, so this was worth the misery from earlier. He even gave me a kiss on the top of my head, all fatherly-like. It was a nice feeling. I stepped back to Carl again, twining his arm in mine. "You will come to the wedding, won't you?" I asked, still gushing.

          "I hardly think that it would be possible to keep me away," he replied.

          "Good," I affirmed, nodding. "I was very much hoping you'd be there." I paused for a moment, trying to get this outrageous smiling under control. No go. "And," I continued on, "after things get settled down, I'd like to visit Rosepatch again, if you wouldn't mind too terribly much."

          "I would like that very much," he replied. "You are always welcome in my places." Always welcome. Two wonderful words.

          "See Jason about the bachelor party," Carl added, smiling. "I've been warned�"

          Colmar raised his eyebrow again. "Of course," he said, a bit slowly.

          Carl sighed in response, "Here I was hoping you'd show and help me escape�"

          With that, the rest of the evening was a bit of a blur. The last thing that happened before the party was over was Spencer addressing everyone. Although I pretty much ignored it (and Spencer) at the time, I include his speech now in it's entirety. After all, I guess that was the point of the party.

          "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Great Powers Council, honored delegates, Secretary General Lord Bances,"

          "The time has come for this organization to come to the rescue of one of its own. Harmony has been seized by a Blood Thirsty Dictatorship. They have restrained freedom, slaughtered people on the basis of class and race. These terrible monsters have persecuted demons and even people's pets.

          The Harmony Gynarchial Socialist Republic is abyss worshipping, honoring the goddesses of the Abyss. They practice human and Cornelian sacrifice, which is an abomination to all civilized nations.

          They confiscated private property, nationalized the Suhuyean banks, seized foreign property and embarked on state socialism on a scale since the Cambodian nightmare.

          Spencer stopped and looked towards everyone, �Yes injustice happens elsewhere but when it happens it a great power, the injustice not only spreads across shadow but reverberates across Creation. I can send you statistics of coups in shadows by the billion, collectivization in the trillions or more, force labor gulags a few shadows from Ygg, Abyss worship and year King rites of Remba just outside of the Black Zone. When will the forest fire get close enough for you to act."

          "Now." Spencer simply said.

          "It is time we continue. Time we put away fear and indifference. Time to support a return to law order decency and civilization in Harmony and these disaffected shadows."

          "Many says it�s not my backyard. Many say it�s too far and too costly. Many say that Comrade Dorcas is too insignificant and stupid. Many say that Creation is not ready for another war. Many say that Swayvillism is archaic."

          "Many said that in the last Amber-Chaos war and not only did General Borel get his army annihilated in the Battle of the Black Road but he later was killed and the armies of Oberon marched up to the gates of Thelbane City and came knocking on the suburbs."

          "It was not the skill of General Borel that allowed the Chaos armies to march to Amber's home territories. Nor was it the power of the Black Road. It was the internal bickering, civil wars and posturing between the Princes of Amber. We must unite and stay together on common goals lest we have the armies of the Abyss marching in Earth Prime, Ygg, and the very Great Powers themselves."

          "All of you know the terrible tragedy of how Mordred abandoned his beloved wife, Cat for a whore and how Cat perished heartbroken. We also know that Mordred soon afterwards became lost forever mainly due to his own rebellions against his father and the guilt and sorrow for his fratricidal murder of Mosley. We know now that this once great land of Harmony and the Mandella Creation are now under control of the baboonery of Abyss Gynarchial Bolshevism."

          "We must do something and act."

          I went to Harmony and Mordred City. I've seen the face the enemy. They're not gods and they're not indestructible. I fought them and I've killed many of them and I've survived."

          "There is a way out of this, a way to stop this insanity once and for all. Now my Army in Mosleyberg inside Harmony is a start. Now we have to build on it.

          Together we will for the largest army and fleet in history of Creation, not just for a battle, but also to change the shape of the Harmony and Open Shadow. Not just for ourselves, but for our kingdoms and for our future. A future where we do not fear menacing bolshevism, abyss influence and knife wielding gynarchs. A future where shadows will willingly march with us as loyal to the natural rule of Cornelians across the stars."

          "You tell your governments, that the only man to survive the Black Lists of Dorcas, the attempts to crush freedom in Harmony, the King of Harmony in waiting, sends this message:

          We can end this scourge, not just for now, not just for the next thousand years, but forever! I stand before you as proof that it can be done. We can fight and we can win, but only if we do it together! Can I count on you?!"

          "Stand with Creation against the hordes of Soviet Harmony and kill this twisted creation of social science and step progressively forward into a new age of renews Swayvillism where Cornelian rule will be assured for another ten thousand years."

          "Thank you for your time, Honored delegates, Lord Secretary General."

          After it was all over, Carl and I went back home for a nice vacation. Ah, it was nice being able to take a mini-break to unwind from those things. I never thought that I'd get so�anxious over a stupid party. I really needed to get centered again. Before, I could regard things with a certain sort of detachment. Now, I feel too involved in things. It's hard to make an objective point of view that way.

          Maybe at the next party things will go over better. After all, I need to get used to these dreadful things.

          "Amber" is copyright © Roger Zelazny; this text is copyright © the players and GM of Equinox. "Amber" the diceless RPG is copyright © Phage Press. No copyright infringement is intended.

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