<BGSOUND SRC="Birthday.mid">
Happy Birthday!!
I tried to come up with an easy way to sort the birthdays since we have two families using this website.  I finally decided that it would be easiest to just have two birthday columns.  One for Johnsons and one for Kissells.  Some of us will be fortunate enough to belong to both of these wonderful families!  Happy Birthday to our family members with November birthdays!  My apologies for not getting these on sooner. Hope your day is lots of fun!
January and February Birthdays
      Kissell Birthdays

~~  4 Michelle Allen
     ~~  17 Matthew Fletcher
     ~~  25 Josh Yatsko
  ~~ 15 Joyce Kissell
     ~~ 16 Jake Cavins
     ~~ 26 Rosie Kissell
      Johnson Birthdays

       ~~ 15 Amy Hibbard
       ~~ 19 Maxine Ward
       ~~ 23 Garry Johnson
       ~~ 25 Josh Yatsko
       ~~ 31 Ciara Bonnlander
~~ 2 Lovella Johnson
      ~~ 4 Mandy Byrum
      ~~ 12 Bradley Heizert
Granny Johnson February 2
Send me those birthdays, and pictures!!
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