Cassandra is a simple drawing sketch in pencil of a character from Legends of Chrystalis, the last living Child of the Light, a race Diamondelle created in book one of the series.  She is young and extremely innoscent due to the way she was raised by Citrine, extremely sheltered in order to protect her from the dark creatures that lived in the fortress where she'd been taken by Citrine.  Citrine put a glamourie on her so that she would not be recognized as a Child of the Light, feeling pity for the infant Cassandra had been, and saving her without her father's knowledge.  She'd hidden the child away and the glamourie effectively hid her appearance so that she appeared to be a normal human being.  Though Citrine raised her in slavery, teaching her how to be a pleasure slave in mannerisms and speech, though she remained an innoscent until she was given as a gift to Michael Demetri, Kelson's Darkling father.  To say more would spoil the story.
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