Coach's Comments Titans


,   5/11/09 - AL LYNX

We welcome to the home field tonight the Lynx from cross town AL.  It is not what one would call a good night for soccer.  It is 61, 21 mph winds out of the south, and light mist the entire rain.  We had a hard down pour just an hour before the game.  So needless to say the conditions are wet and windy.  Due to numbers at AL we cancel the JV game and start the Varsity game at 6pm.  We make some offensive changes in the line up tonight and move a few people around to try something different.  It appears that it is working as we start out the first half in full control of the ball and the game.  We are putting 5, even 6 passes together in the mid section of the field but then tend to lose it once we get inside the 25 yard line.  Then 11 minutes into the game Kyle Larkin winds up and sends a shot on goal from about 35 yards out and it goes right through the keepers hands.  Blame it on being wet, blame it on being an easy ball, either way, it was a great shot hit hard and on goal, we go up 1-0.  It stays that way for the rest of the half with several missed opportunities that should have been easy goals.  We continue to control and dominant the rest of the half but can't put anything away.  1-0 at the half.  We talk to them at the half about using the easy pass, don't be so quick to send it in once you get inside the 25.  Keep up the talk, move the ball around and let's get a couple more.  We start off the second half quickly with the perfect through ball to the center of the field from Kyle Larkin to Nate Dreager.  Nate out runs the defender and beats the keeper one on one for the goal just one minute into the half.  Nice ball and great score, 2-0.  We are now in the second half and once again like games in the past, we tend to fall asleep in the second half or run out of gas as AL begins to come on the attack and is winning the ball and taking over the game.  We manage to hold off any and all efforts as Ryan Cook, Colin Duffy, and Jordan Higgins hold strong in the defensive back field.  Then with 9 minutes left in the game Kyle and Nate hook up again with another through ball and Nate manages to out play the keeper one more time and puts us up 3-0.  That takes us to the end of the game and Mark Richwine and his defense Cook, Duffy, Higgins, and Wenck log their second shut out of the season.  Overall one big difference tonight was our communication as we talked often and loud throughout the game.  This always makes it easier to play the game.  We want to call out the good defensive effort tonight of Jordan Higgins, he played hard and well the entire game.  We want to say Thank you to the parents and the fans for staying with us tonight through the steady drizzle. 

Join us now on Saturday as we will travel to Norwalk for the Norwalk tourney.  Our first game will be at 10am against Perry.  We hope to see you all there.

Thank you all for your support and your visits to our page. Keep checking back I will post different things off and on.  Interested in how the boys did and what they look like, then check out the 2009 Varsity Squad & Stats and 2009 Junior Varsity Squad & Stats pages to see our running season stats. Check back again for more comments.

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