Computer Literacy
Assessing an online course design
Name: ________________________ Teacher: Lorraine Cross
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Plan exibits the 7 principles of the good practice in online education
Plan exibits none of the principles of the good practices in online education
Plan exibits the 1-3 principles of the good practice in online education
Plan exibits the 4-6 principles of the good practice in online education
Plan exibits all 7 principles of the good practice in online education
Instructional design & delivery promotes interaction
Design & delivery does not promote interaction among learners
Design & delivery promotes synchronous interaction among learners
Design & delivery promotes asynchronous interaction among learners
Design & delivery promotes asynchronous & synchronous interaction among learners
Instructional goals are aligned with objectives
Instructional goals are not aligned with objectives
Some instructional goals are aligned with objectives
Most instructional goals are aligned with objectives
All instructional goals are aligned with objectives
Design & delivery includes activities to enhance student learning appropriate to the learning domain
Design & delivery does not include activities to enhance student learning appropriate to the learning domain
Design & delivery includes a few activities to enhance student learning appropriate to the learning domain
Design & delivery includes many activities to enhance student learning appropriate to the learning domain
Design & delivery includes activities to enhance student learning appropriate to all the learning domains
Instructional model promotes a learner centered environment
Instructional model is not appropriate for a learner centered environment
Instructional model needs redesigning to be appropriate for a learner centered environment
Instructional model is somewhat appropriate for a learner centered environment
Instructional model is appropriate for a learner centered environment

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