Lisa's Jibberish!
Anything I have to say!
So much has been going on lately... I got a job, been there almost 2 months... I like it okay, but the novelty has worn off some, now I am just working to make money, not because I think it would be neat to work LOL... So I work over when they ask me to, and on days I am off and they call me I usually go in.... Me and Rick dont get to see each other much, because I work days and he works nights... He is asleep when I leave, and when I get home he is leaving, and I am asleep when he comes home... Ricky moved out, and back in with his mom in Missouri... Chris is 18 now, and wanting to experience that freedom he thinks he will have if he moves out, so he is thinking about it as well... Cody just turned 16, and he is going to try to get his licence in the spring... He is also putting in applications to get a job... Justin is getting his own apartment next month... So they are all leaving the nest, and yes, I am having that empty nest syndrome... Even if Chris dont move out before he graduates, in June he is going to AIT and right after he gets back from that he is going off to college... So yeah, things are totally different right now and a lot going on in my life.... I am learning to say I have 4 sons, not 4 boys, because they are not boys anymore LOL... Oh yeah, I am losing weight since I started working, I have lost 12 pounds so far WooHoo.... Enough to go down a size in jeans :) Well that is all I have to update on right now... Have a wonderful day... Later
2009-01-23 00:49:05 GMT
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