Lisa's Jibberish!
Anything I have to say!
Chris Has Gone.....
Well, Chris left for Basic Training a week ago tomorrow... He got to call last night, because he spent the first few days in reception, but starts actual Basic today.. Dont know when I will hear from him again except for letters... He said he already sent one :) Its weird without him here.. Ricky goes to Misourri every summer, but we can call him if we want, or text him, but Chris is always here, except for a week of Band Camp, so its weird him being gone... Cody actually cried and said he missed him, which is a major break through for Cody, because he always acts like he hates Chris... I told him to remember how he feels right now when Chris comes back.. This school year will be the last I have with him, because next summer he goes off to AIT, then after that he heads to Morgantown for college... Dont like this growing up and moving away thing lol... When he called he was still able to give us a laugh (he is the comedian of the family, without even trying at times ) because he tried to call me twice and then realized he was calling his own cell number lol... Well this is about all I have to update for now, but will do more later on when Justin leaves for Basic!
2008-06-17 17:39:54 GMT
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