Thursday, March 28th

My Appointment with Dr. Haynes�3 � weeks after surgery�

My appointment was at 8:45 a.m. (CST) so we left our house at 6:00 a.m. (EST) that morning.  It took us about 3 hours to get there.  At first, I saw one of the Doctors in with Dr. Haynes and was thinking that I wouldn�t get to see Dr. Haynes.  But he came in a few minutes later.  I found out that the numbness at the top and front of my head and top of my ear is very normal.  He is a little concerned about the dizziness I started experiencing two weeks ago.  He said this is normal and will probably go away soon, but at the latest in 2 months.  If I still have it after 2 months, he wants me to call him.  He also prescribed some medicine for the vertigo (dizziness) called Robinul.  I had it filled at the hospital (clinic) before I left.  My insurance doesn�t cover this medicine, so I had to pay $27 for it.  I took one immediately and could tell a difference.  I took another one (only 2 per day) in the evening and I do think it helps me.  Dr. Haynes said he normally has patients wait longer to get hooked up, but that everything looks good�no swelling and the incision has healed very well�and gave me the okay to see Susan in the afternoon and get hooked up.  I was very excited about this!
My Hook Up
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