How to cope with Endometriosis


Coping with the chronic pain  and fatigue from endometriosis can be very difficult. However, there are different options one can take in order to get their life back.

Support groups

Support groups can be extremely beneficial for dealing with endometriosis. Due to the emotional stress of the disease  it is very important that women suffering have someone who understands what they are going through to talk with. having supportive friends and family members is very important, but sometimes talking to other women who are going through the same things can be more informative and relieving. By joining a support group it makes women realize that the pain they are feeling is real and not in there heads. Most importantly, women who join support groups realize they aren't alone.

To find a support group in your area, you can contact the Endometriosis Association. For more information click here

There are also support groups on the Internet, which are very helpful and informative.  To learn more about them  go to .  There is a group at egroups that is designed for teens, created by other teens suffering from endometriosis. The name of the group is Teenage Endometriosis. This site would be extremely beneficial for any teen who has endometriosis or wants to learn more about the disease.

Diet and Exercise

Many women have found relief by switching their diets and incorporating daily exercise and/or Yoga into their lives.

Helpful Hints For Staying Healthy

Having chronic pain is difficult, but trying  to deal with the pain is the beginning of the healing process!
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