Is science what crackpots do?

Is science what crackpots do?

For purposes of science education one can define science as: 1- What scientists do, or 2- What crackpots do. Most prefer the first definition, but some suggest that we teach both and let students decide. This is inefficient teaching.

In point of fact the second definition is surprisingly prevalent. Those who dislike science prefer it. Even scientists, occasionally confuse what scientists do with what crackpots do. In doing so they unwittingly encourage the second definition to enter science curricula. This benefits neither students nor reputations of curriculum developers.

How can one identify real science? A simple way is to look at, and adhere to, professional science literature which demands experimental test and peer review. What's poorly documented in professional literature is best avoided. What's totally absent from professional literature or promoted by those with ulterior motives likely supports the second definition. 1
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