Pseudoscience - the alternative to science

General properties of pseudoscience, pseudoscience at wikipedia

What is pseudoscience? - link, John Baez's crackpot index

Robert Park on Voodoo science - New! How to spot pseudoscience

Carl Sagan's baloney detection kit - Science deniers

Irving Langmuir's Pathological Science

Richard Feynman's Cargo Cult Science

Faith based reasoning - List of pseudoscientific theories at wikipedia

Conspiracy theories - Right wing conspiracies

Massimo Pigliucci on why people cling to pseudoscientific beliefs

Personal science - a form of self-delusion, Bad geology

Distinguishing science from pseudoscience

Baloney detection - Michael Shermer

Why smart people believe weird things, Michael Shermer in Scientific American, Sept 02.

The 100 most annoying things of 2003 - of 2002 - of 2001 (only 50) - of 2000

The Global Consciousness Project - New! a critique - an example of narrative thinking displacing analytical thinking.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific - pseudoscience page

Bad science - (link) discussion of ways science can go wrong.

How to get bad scientific advice, Geocentrism

The value of infallibility - The great crystal homeopathy hoax - sites rated on their content (e.g cranky, crankiest, illucid, etc)

Biological transmutations - recent example in the scientific literature!

Museum of Hoaxes - Quatloos - the latest scams and frauds (links to examples of Nigeria scam letters)

Insolitology - nothing stimulates outrageous theories so effectively as the absence of evidence.

List of fallacious arguments - useful link! - The top 20

Dietary supplements (NIH) 1
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