George McCready Price - father of flood geology

George McCready Price - father of flood geology

Early life experiences, including commitment to the Seventh Day Adventist church, convinced Price of the literal truth of the Bible. The apologetic that dominated his thinking was "The Geological Ages Hoax". He read about geological "inversions" particularly in western North America. Over large areas older geological layers overlay younger layers. Geologists explain this by folding of strata. Price believed that this was geological apologetics. Based on this insight he developed "The Modern Flood Theory of Geology".

Where did Price go wrong?

Price had several handicaps. Firstly, he learned his geology by reading. He lacked formal geology training, much less an advanced degree. Secondly, he was intellectually isolated. His peer group was Seventh Day Adventists, not geologists. Thirdly he had no field experience. He never actually saw the inversions. Fourthly, because of his prejudices he never asked the scientific question "How can we test inversions to determine in which orientation they were formed?" 1
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