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Newspaper links
Newspaper links

Journal Star (Lincoln), Satterfield columns, Nebraska StatePaper.com

World Herald (Omaha), Democracy Now, News Hounds, Google news search

Useful! Topix.net, Topix news channels, Education, Libraries, Stamford, NYC

The New York Times, Krugman, Friedman, Herbert, Financial Times, Edge

Washington Post, Toronto Globe and Mail, Daily Beast, Informed Comment

BBC, World service, BBC Norfolk, The Guardian, Wikinews, TPM, ProPublica

Google News, Calculated Risk, Arianna Huffington

USA Today, Christopher Hitchens, Inside Higher Ed, Wall Street Journal

MSNBC News, Fox News, CNN, ABC News, CBS News, ITV News, Sky News (UK), CBC News

The Advocate (Stamford), Madison newspapers, Xinhua

Eastern Daily Press (Norwich) - Greenwald at Salon

Science Daily, The Onion, Ananova - UK

Yale Global, Chomsky archives, Howard Zinn, Al Franken

Al Jazeera, Ha'aretz, Al Ahram (Egypt), Jerusalem Times, Khaleej times (UAE), Tehran Times

Molly Ivins columns

Daily Nebraskan

Today's front pages, ABYZ News - links to International news

Austin American Statesman, Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle

St Paul Pioneer Press - opinion page, Plain Dealer, ID page

Boston Globe

The Times (London) - obits, The Telegraph (London)

Frankfurter Rundschau

Christian Broadcasting Network, Wingnut, Agape Press - religious right

Nebraska Family Times - religious right, Daily Susan, Susan's ed blog

Christian Information Center - national religious right

Islam Online

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