Jerry Johnston - First Family Church, Overland Park, KS

Jerry Johnston - evangelist

Pastor of First Family Church, Overland Park
His knowledge of science appears to be limited

jerry johnston
Jerry Johnston

"I reject evolution because it rejects God and it rejects a revelation."

�If Genesis isn�t true, there isn�t anything true in the Bible.�

Jerry Johnston
Radio show dropped
Lack of financial oversight
Lavish lifestyle
Honorary degree
Business offshoots
Delinquent tax

First Family Chruch at wikipedia

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary - at wikipedia

Phill Kline complains - more

Jerry Johnston and money

New! - Comments by Rev. Peep

Bio, In The Pitch, The war against science

New! - Comments @ Diane Silver's blog

First Family church - the physical plant

On the culture war - Clergy ready to tackle evolution

Sermonars 1
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