Visit New York
Interesting places
Interesting places

Panama Canal - Miraflores locks - webcam, - Webcam directory (Belgium) - Mt Etna

Webcams de Paris, - Virtual London - Webcams, - Moscowcam, - English webcams

Dublin webcams, - Lincoln, NE webcams, Worlds 200 tallest buildings

Transcontinental railroad - Adelaide to Darwin - New! - in the New York Times

Maglev in Shanghai, Taipei 101 - see also - Bridges of Paris - Perronet

Gotthard Base Tunnel, Switzerland - A Scholar's Paris

Three Gorges dam - Venezuela, second Orinoco bridge

Great manmade river project - Libya - Petra - Donghai bridge

World metro list - Metro bits - Links to world metro maps - Abandoned stations NY

The Golden Quadrilateral - picture - map - India's new expressways

Kenya's "lunatic railway" - - Railway to Lhasa

Versailles - wikipedia, at France Monthly, photo, photo, map, plan (pdf) - Pictures of French cities

Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Louvre - Paris

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, wikipedia - controversies

Vanuatu, home of cargo cults - more

Spain - Santiago de Compostela - The Alhambra - Seville, Archive of the Indies - Montserrat, image, Black madonna

National Road - map - see New Harmony, Indiana - Robert Owen experiment in social reform (more)

Solar system - virtual tour, Kitt Peak National Observatory - Arizona

Smithsonian - Washington - the Coelacanth - the Giant Squid

St Helena, wikipedia - Longwood house, Scott #152

Ascension island - government - stamps

Easter Island - a model for collapse of civilizations, Chilean wine palm

Punta Arenas (Chile) - wikipedia - on the Straits of Magellan - Pictures

Potosi (Bolivia), more, wikipedia, Cerro rico - supplied the Spanish empire with silver

Catherine Palace, picture - Tsarskoye Selo

Natural History Museum - London - Darwin Centre - beast of Bodmin Moor

Speakers corner - Hyde Park, map

South Place Ethical Society, Rationalist Press Association - London

Norwich Cathedral, - Norwich market - webcam, Compare to John Sell Cotman painting (1809) - Norwich Castle

Blickling, another view - Norfolk, East Anglia slides - Hidden Norfolk - Eastern Daily Press

York Factory, pictures, wikipedia, - Parks Canada, Hudson Bay Co headquarters

National Rail Museum - India - Indian railways at wikipedia

India links

Taj Mahal - Agra, slide show (tours)

India railroads - links

World Trade Center

Bridge links - more 1
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