Education resources
Education Page
Learning specifics may not help with learning abstractions

New! - Evaluating teachers (Malcolm Gladwell)

New! Evaluating education - Problems with the Bachelors degree

How do we assess learning? - Conservatives in academe

Modern education - What works in education - Types of knowledge

Alexander Meiklejohn - Simon Barnes on education - UNL ADAPT program

Competitive high schools - Getting your money's worth at college (John Janovy)

What It Takes to Make a Student - Closing the achievement gap

Reading, Hypocognition, Top teaching resources - Learning at wikipedia

Education wonks - blog, Topix - education - Wikiversity

Formal reasoning (Piaget), Scientific literacy - Constructivism

Good (comprehensive) learning site - Constructivism at wikipedia

Analytical thinking, Tacit knowledge at wikipedia - Alternatives to college

Cognitive development, Teaching resources, Literacy problems

A college teacher reflects, Libraries - Plagiarism at Oxford

Procrastination (Chronicle of Higher Ed), at wikipedia

The learning cycle (David Kolb), The learning cycle at wikipedia

Reading habits and social class - cognition at wikipedia - Habits of mind

The Princeton Review, Windows to the Universe - Writing a syllabus

Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts - essay by William G. Perry

Access to higher education - Learning in graduate school

Twelve things all freshmen should know - Skipping class

Anti-intellectualism in
education - at wikipedia - Learning vs. understanding

Metacognition - what is it?, Metacognition at wikipedia

The major perversions of education, What bores teenagers?

Critical thinking, Critical thinking in biology - Thinking dispositions

Critical thinking and the scientific method - Critical thinking in science 1
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