Herman Cummings - promoter of "Observations of Moses

Herman Cummings - promoter of "Observations of Moses"

I am the foremost terrestrial authority on the book of Genesis.

The opposing view of evolution is "the observations of Moses", not creationism.

...the truth of Genesis exposes the false suppositions of science...

The Observations of Moses tell us that God created different life forms on Earth in each of seven different geologic ages in which He defines.

I�ve already made contact with every theological seminary on the web (as of 1997), and they all refused to confer with me. They �didn�t need to learn anything from me�

There is no evidence for evolution, except in the closed mind of blind academics, administrators, and scientists.

...the Royal Society is ignorant of the facts...

Herman Cummings
At the Conservative Voice - more

New! - Discussion of Herman Cummings views

New! - Unappreciated genius?

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